1 Reason Why You Are The Best Advocate In Regards To Your Own Health
The Most Important Reason why You are the best Advocate in regards to your own health.


If you feel there is something wrong follow it up. Trust what your body is saying to you, NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES YOU NEED TO RETURN TO YOUR DOCTOR.

1 Reason Why You Are The Best Advocate In Regards To Your Own Health

Having had a smear test 6 months earlier and it saying all was fine, I got diagnosed with C3 cervical cancer when I was 21 years old.

The only reason I found out I had cancer was because I would not let up in regards to getting tested again because I knew something was wrong. When my results came through and indeed it showed cancer, I was told that the cancer was so aggressive that had I not had the test done, 3 months down the line I would be preparing my funeral.

That story is such a long time ago feels like another life time, but sine than I have had numerous operations for one thing or the other, 23 to be exact.

I have had 3 close calls to the pearly gates and have had the medical profession scratching their heads more than once, twice or even three times asking themselves what have we got here? (medical mystery)

1 Reason Why You Are The Best Advocate In Regards To Your Own Health
You are your best advocate

This lightly sums up my medical career, indeed I have equivalent to a PHD in medicine and know more about the human body (My body) than most doctors.

I have had so many strange things happen in my body, that all the specialists that I have, all laugh and joke at the fact that once they cut me open there would always be something unusual. The chances are there would be more to find than first thought, or the opposite. There will be absolutely nothing there when in fact images indicate there should be.

Thank goodness for their sense of humour.

My journey on this planet started off with resentment of being born. From the moment my mum went into labour, I protested at arms length at the fact that I did not want to come back to be born again, but alas lessons to be learned and passed on, so here am I, forceps delivered and fighting all the way.

On this incredible journey I have seen so many aspects of myself, it seems impossible to imagine there are so many. My search for answers started off as a selfish quest, to lighten my own load of burdens which I carried upon my shoulders. I was looking for ways to unload the pain and emotional trauma that I had experienced in my life.

A Humble Thanks

My selfish quest has turned into something of humble thanks, as I learn and renew my ideas, constantly I am gifted with a ever ending flow of information and love. Constantly the universe shows me unconditional love in the rawest and most beautiful of forms. I feel like I have been blessed in so many ways.

They said I would never have children but Chris and I do have one beautiful daughter, her name being Angel because she really was our miracle baby.

I have had so many fantastic, wonderful, and surreal experiences in my life, some so truly bizarre they are unbelievable. I had the best parents anyone could ask for. I was blessed to have been given a gift, a gift that my father was aware of and in knowing this, taught me important skills when I was a child. Skills that would help me learn about myself, skills that would help me deal with my life. My father taught me the power of the mind.

What started off as a selfish quest to lighten my load has turned into a lifetime of gathering and teaching the unconditional love that the universe bestows upon me.

1 Reason Why You Are The Best Advocate In Regards To Your Own Health

Why have I had so many different amazing experienced in my life?

I learned and listened, to what the universe was saying.

I survive all the crap that I have had to endure, because of this, it has set me up in a perfect position, to be a conduit.

Here are some situations in my life that were crap, but in saying that these situations helped me become who I am today so I am truly grateful.

I know what it’s like to keep a secret for many years because of fear, because as a child one man using Neuro Linguistic programming told me that it was my fault, my parents would hate and punish me, they would not love me, if ever I said to them that he was touching me.( 7 years of sexual abuse as a child) I SURVIVED
I know what it is to struggle with spirituality, afraid of religious doctrines, afraid of burning in hell, I lived with demons every day. Real and spiritual. I SURVIVED
I know what it is like to be deluded, thinking that you have all the answers about what is good for your life, this deluded thinking took me down some very dark and dangerous pathways. I SURVIVED
I know what it feels like when the noise of life gets so loud in your head that you can not find your own thoughts anymore. I SURVIVED
I know what it’s like when you suddenly realise you no longer exist in the equation, that all your passions and dreams have withered away on the ocean shore, and that you are drowning in an ocean of lost hopes and dreams, leaving you feeling pointless. I SURVIVED
I know the feelings of losing unborn children, two children I did not physically meet. I SURVIVED
I know what it feels like to be an empath, when you feel someone else’s pain, the emotions pumping through your veins, the depression, confusion and pain but there is nothing you can do, because you don’t even know their name. I SURVIVED
I know what it’s like to be faced with your own mortality, are you going to die, is this the end of your life, Is today going to be your last day. I SURVIVED
I know what it’s like to have to learn to walk all over again, after surgery, wondering if you will ever run or enjoy life as you used to. I SURVIVED
I grew up with a view of the world that was different to what everyone else saw. I grew up with an insight as to what was behind the veil. I SURVIVED
1 Reason Why You Are The Best Advocate In Regards To Your Own Health
Listen to Yourself

Life is strange, complicated and odd in many ways but it is exciting, fascinating and all inspiring in so many other ways, it is continually calling me to pursue more courage for more knowledge.

1 Reason Why You Are The Best Advocate In Regards To Your Own Health

Nobody knows your body better than you.

Listen to everything your intuition is telling you.

Be an Advocate for your own health, take charge, take control, follow through on intuitive feelings.

DO NOT let the medical profession bully you, belittle you or ignore you. !!!

Be strong get your answers, get results, don’t settle for a non explanation.

I kept a journal for my daughter, I started writing it in 1994. Very time I went in for surgery I knew there was a possibility that I would never come home, The more surgery you have the higher the risk of complications. I would write to Angel like it was the last thing a mum would write to her daughter always telling her how proud I was and how much I loved her.

My Dad gave me an incredible gift.

My dad taught me when I was 4 years old the value of mind, the value of concentrated energy and thought. This has at the end of the day got me through so much, it gives me strength when I need it the most.

I did not like church, and always had an issue with church authority even as a little girl. My father new this and in order for me to sit quietly in church for an hour he taught me a game. He would tell me to stare at the back of someones head that was near the front of the church. He told me if I stared at the back of their head long enough and really concentrated I could get them to turn around and look directly at me, but they would not see me. Sure enough this game kept me busy and entertained for the hour, and dad would often give me a nudge with his elbow when he saw the whole front row turn around and look our way…

1 Reason Why You Are The Best Advocate In Regards To Your Own Health
The Gift of Mind

This valuable skill that my dad taught me has helped me deal with physical, mental and emotional pain. What my dad taught me was how powerful the mind and thought could be, in fact it was not until I got much older that I realised just how powerful all this stuff could really be.

I say I am a conduit because I do not have the answers to all the unexplainable events that have happened in my life, events that have no logical explanation so I have come to the conclusion there is a bigger source playing it’s hand, and I am but the vessel. Like each and everyone of you, we are all vessels. Now is the time to share with you my story.

Much of what I will be sharing with you in my blog are things that have deep meaning for me. I have struggled with health problems all my life, and when my dad died I found one of Louise Hays books. From that day I have questioned every thought, trying to find clues as to where my thinking has failed me as to why I have had so many health problem, but I have learnt it is not in my thinking, it is simply my journey.

Someone asked me on one of my posts what website was I sourcing my information. I was a little taken back at first, wondering why someone would ask such a thing but then I realized I take for granted what is in my head. I have my own website which I put together while I was in Canada. I have not been practicing healing since my return to New Zealand so the website is on the back burner while I explore my place in blogging.

1 Reason Why You Are The Best Advocate In Regards To Your Own Health
Now I Write

Everything I post in this blog is in the hope that I will be helping/teaching someone something that they find useful and enlightening. I have been blessed to have had some real crap in my life, of which I am grateful for other wise I may never have learned the knowledge I have now.

Our lives are uniquely our own experience. We all have a job to help those that need our support, if we have survived, we can help others survive.

Love and light to all, stay strong and listen to your body when it speaks, it is trying to tell you something.

Like you I have struggled endlessly to find my purpose, I have stopped looking now and just decided to write.

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  • Hello Terri, Merle and Lolette, thank you kindly for your comments and love, I am really pleased that each and every one of you got something out of this. We are our best advocates in every way, we have no choice but to stay strong much love regards Rhonda

  • Very thought provoking !! Well written.
  • Wow this is some story you have told.  I loved the bit about your dad telling you to stare at the back of someones head because this was once told to me and it worked !!  Thanks for sharing and knowing what a strong person you are has got you through all of this.

  • Top Member

    We just met Rhonda and after reading this post of your life experiences. I know that you have  hope it will help others who read it to know only the strong survive. I love the title of this post and you have a gift for writing. I look forward to reading your post and glad to have you in the SE community. Shared via Syndication Automation, Networkedblog and the SE page on Google.

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