10 Myths About Baby Boomers

Baby Boomers

Baby Boomers?

They have had decades of experience and knowledge plus many other skills so why is there so much discrimination by possible employers.  There are a lot of pensioners and pre-pensioners that are looking to carry on working but are finding it very difficult.  There are many myths about this that are completely untrue.

  • Older workers cannot keep up as they have no stamina or energy left ! You will find that most senior executives are 50+ (I know in my younger days when working a 9.5pm job)  I know they always had plenty of stamina even the ones at retirement age.  Plus they work harder than the younger ones by working longer hours – but their experience with time management means they can do the same amount of work in a shorter space of time.
  • Older workers don’t like change !  Once they understand the reason for change they are quite adaptable and I feel I am living proof of that …..
  • Older workers don’t, can’t or won’t learn new skills !  They generally are eager study harder because they want to keep up with all the new trends and technical skills.  I know I am happy to learn something new every day.
  • Older workers don’t  stick in a job for long !  Statistics show that workers aged 45-54 stay in a job twice as long as those aged 25-34 …  And many of the older generation want to carry on working after retirement …..
  • Older workers have more time off for sickness than the younger workers !  You might get the odd one or two but I know I used to go to work with flu, tonsillitis and anything that was going.  I hated taking time off even up to the age of 60 !!  When I was younger, yes I did take more time off for sickness and will admit I wasn’t even sick sometimes LOL – I just felt like a few days off …..
  • Older workers have more accidents !  I don’t think so…..  again statistics show that older workers have less accidents in the workplace – they are much more experienced and this experience has taught them the risks where workplace safety is concerned.
  • Older workers are more expensive !  That’s a laugh for a start… They say that the older worker wants more time off for holidays and days off – not so because the younger generation will want time off for children who are sick or they want to take the children out somewhere or on holiday.  I know I am going back many years now but when my children were young I had trouble getting a job because of that reason.  I was always asked ‘What will you do if your children are sick and need you at home?”  So that one answers itself !!
  • Older workers are less productive !  Nothing to do with age .. The older worker will produce a higher quality of worker which can be a significant saving for the employer.  The older worker will pick up on errors that the younger worker has done due to inexperience.
  • Older workers are not as innovative as younger workers !  Statistics show that 80% of most workable and worthwhile production ideas are produced by people over the age of 40.
  • Older people are not at the same level of tech skills as younger workers !  In some case yes that is true but you must remember that the baby boomers have been involved with technical skills since the 1980’s – they may not know as much as the under 25’s these days but they are definitely catching up with them.  Baby boomers are the fastest growing demographic on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn ….

I know from experience since using these social media sites that there are a lot of baby boomers and retired people that are now looking to work online, so if you are looking to boost your income take a look ===>>> HERE and see how we boost our income.

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  • Thank you Julie and so true what you say, thank you for sharing.

  • As a baby boomer myself, I totally agree that these myths make it more difficult for older people to get jobs.  We did not grow up using computers, but as long as we are willing to learn (since we are capable of learning), we can become as comfortable with electronic communication as much younger people.  I'll share this excellent post.

  • Thank you Angela, appreciate that.

  • Thanks for sharing these myths about Baby Boomers Merle.  Very interesting.  Liked and Shared.

  • Thank you James and yes there is a lot of truth in it.

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