In a research study, it was found that certain bacteria can increase production of disease fighting cells in the body. These disease fighting white blood cells are called regulatory T cells and are important in a healthy immune system.
In a research study, it was found that certain bacteria can increase production of disease fighting cells in the body. These disease fighting white blood cells are called regulatory T cells and are important in a healthy immune system.
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Facts and Testimonies
It isn’t a secret that being overweight has become a worldwide epidemic.
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Facts About Thyroid Disease
Facts and Testimonies
There are several types of thyroid disease. Under-active or hypothyroidism results in a low production of the thyroid hormone. A decrease in the hormone can decrease mental and physical activity which
What are free radicals?
What are anti-oxidants?
What causes inflammation?
How dangerous is inflammation in the body?
Click this link for the answers to these and other related questions.
In 08 I moved to Oklahoma to be with my father and three weeks later he had passed away. He didn't want to tell his kids he was sick so it was a shock when I saw how badhe was. My cousin that lives out here has 6 kids. The 4 yo