love (95)

Love – The Most Powerful Presence

The Daily Meditation 2.03.2014

“ Love – The Most Powerful Presence

Ardy Reed, RScP

RGCSL-Photo-AR.jpg?width=155There is One Magnificent Power that is available in every given moment… God, Spirit, The Almighty, Love, Power, and Abundance– it is that ever evading presence that flow
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Dog is my Co-Pilot

The Daily Meditation 1.28.2014

“Dog is my Co-Pilot”

Lynn Taylor, Practitioner I Student


Each and every day, as I move through this human life, I have a guide right here on this earth. Dog is my navigator, and her name is Kira. When I stumble, Kira is th

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I Pray In and For This Dream

The Daily Meditation 1.19.2014

I Pray In and For This Dream

Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister

Martha_226-150x150.jpg?width=150“And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.” – Martin Luthe

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I Release and Let Go

The Daily Meditation 1.16.2014

I Release and Let Go

Kathy Mathiason, RScP

Kathy Mathiason, RScPI rejoice in the knowing that God is the One Source. The One Source of everything in the Universe. Everything I see, touch, taste and hear. It is omnipresent and omniscient. God i
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The Time to Turn Within

The Daily Meditation 1.13.2014

The Time to Turn Within

Alicia Hanlen, RScP

AliciaHanlen300-150x150.jpg?width=150“To everything, turn, turn, turn  . . There is a season . . .and a time for every purpose under heaven.” 

This day I turn to that Infinite Presence and Divine Intelligence, that P

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Loving the Original Source

The Daily Meditation 1.12.2014

Loving the Original Source

Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister


There is One Perfect Life – The Life. The Life from which all else emanates. This Life contemplates itself and whole universes are born. This Life contemplate

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I Am One With Love

The Daily Meditation 1.01.2014

I Am One With Love

Ardy Reed, RScP


Love is the amazing evading presence that pervades through all things. It is this Amazing Power that pours through every single moment and every single thing. I am one with this Amazing P

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

The Daily Meditation 12.25.2013

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Julia Washington, RScP

Julia Washington, RScP

 This is the time of year to give of one’s self. 
 Letting go of all the old hurts and fears.
 Embracing the rebirth go to the Christ within, 
 Love, Joy, Peace
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I Am So Glad

The Daily Meditation 12.22.2013

I Am So Glad

Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister


Life is.  It is All There Is.  It is equally present everywhere, knowing Itself through the absolute marvel of every creature alive in every dimension.  It is the birth of

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