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Reasons To Be Cheerful

Joseph Tom Riach – Author of successful living books and mystery novels, vivid views of life and business

by Joseph Tom Riach


is the 6th of eight in my 2021 series of   Winter Warmers. The musings are a blend of my real life experiences, professional insights, personal views and fun stories. My hope is that in them you find joy and inspiration.

   Whatever the circumstance in which you find yourself in life, there always are reasons to be cheerful. Some of my 'constant companions' in that department are surprising – even to me!

   Love – Do you ever look in the mirror and think, “Who on earth could possibly love that geezer?” Well I do look and ask ... and then marvel at the fact that I am loved. Not just by my awesome wife but by the other less likely assortment of friends, acquaintances and those who, quite frankly, have no reason to love me at all. Fortunately, love is blind. Isn't that wonderful?!

  Humble Pie – Speaking of love, I 'love' apple pie. I also eat far too many empadas de galinha (traditional Portuguese chicken pies) and I bake pastries on a regular basis. Yet, in spite of my attachment to pies of all kinds, I never seek out humble pie. Nonetheless, servings of it do come my way from time to time. And I'm grateful for that. Occasional reminders not to 'get above myself' do me no harm at all.

  Cars – I'm also rather attached to my cars. I'm no 'petrol head' but I have owned over thirty autos in my time. From rustbucket to limo and fourtrack to sports coupé, my favourite has always been whichever model I possess at the moment. There's a sensual comfort in getting into my own car with my own bits and pieces around me. It is my personal space and I tend to 'wear' it more like a favourite jacket than just drive it. Wind in hair or just cruising, my car provides limitless access to town and country. That freedom is in itself such a boon in life.

  Walking – On the subject of mobility, nothing beats walking. Not only does it get me to where I'm going but it exercises my body too. Yet it is so easy to take walking, simple moving around, for granted. It is after all what most folks do all the time without giving a second thought to it. But I do think about it. I think of it a lot. The gift of walk is a reason to be cheerful more so than any other.

  Sports – While walking provides exercise, it is not a sport as such. But the mobility it provides is the basis of most sport. I adore contact sports, the rough and tumble of rugby and football thrill me. Then there is the sheer exuberance of running, swimming and cycling. Competitive golf requires discipline and concentration, climbing in the mountains takes preparation and endurance. The latter carried out in gorgeous locations. Participant or spectator - what is there in involvement in sport not to be cheerful about?

  Books – I was brought up with books of every kind all around me. I read them all, regardless of genre or subject matter. The broad-based education and understanding of the world which I unwittingly absorbed taught me, more than anything, to keep on reading! So I do.

  Booze – I enjoy a pint of good beer. Preferably drunk in a pub of the quaint country inn variety. I like to sample the different brews (not all at once)! their flavours, colours, body and other characteristics. My even greater passion is for wine. So much so that it influenced my decision to relocate to the Bordeaux region of France. There I learned the relaxed culture of eating in routiers, cafés and bistros while savouring some of the world's finest wines. As regards the best beers in the world, I am most cheerful when sipping Belgian Trappist beer. Several centuries ago, the monks in one of the monasteries where it is brewed, knew well that they had their own reasons to be cheerful. They carved in Latin in the stone lintel of a doorway the memorable line - “Drink your beer while you're here, in heaven there isn't any!” I'll drink to that – Cheers!

  What are your reasons to be cheerful?

 I am Tom Riach. I live and write in the sunny south of Portugal. 

Claim your special copy of my best seller mystery novel - 'Too Early For A Glass Of Wine?' - by clicking on the image below.

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REASONS TO BE CHEERFUL  is an original copyright Tom Riach feature.
I hope you enjoyed this Winter Warmer and found it to be of value.
To learn more please visit me on my Author Page.
See you there! Regards, Tom.

© Copyright Joseph T.Riach 1998-present. All rights reserved.

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  • Top Commentor

    You writing draws pictures Tom.  You make people feel like they're in the Stories your write.  There are many things to be cheerful about.   Just waking up and breathing in the morning is a reason to be cheerful.  I love crafts and sewing because there is pleasure in making something from nothing.  And I do love books.  I would perfer the older bookstores, just the smell and the atmosphere was something to be cheerful about.  You're right once you start thinking about it, you can find lots of reasons to be cheerful. 

    • Top Commentor

      I like your musings Robin. Yes, old book stores - fortunately I live where they still exist. A morning browsing there is pure delight .. aahh that unique aroma!

  • Top Commentor

    There is always a reason to have joy. This is such great insight that shows its the little things that keep us going. 

    • Top Commentor

      Thanks Cory, I appreciate your appreciation! It gives me another reason to be cheerful :-)

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