Hi Everyone,
I am George Pierce. I have over 20 years of online marketing experience. I have figured out a few things and my intent is to share
my successes and mistakes with you. I am not a fan of sharing income, I know it is validation, but income of almost any kind is so easily manufactured.
Making Money While You Sleep!
The reason for this post...???
Over the Holidays, one night, between midnight and about 4 AM, I received email notifications of, not one, but three commissions from an affiliate that typically yields about a sale a week at best. Perhaps these purchases were kind of a Christmas present to the purchasers, from themselves. The fact is that affiliate marketing really can make you money while you sleep.
#1: Do The Work!
How can you make affiliate marketing work? Affiliate marketing works if you work. For some reason, unscrupulous marketers seem to be able to convince people that affiliate marketing is effortless and only requires a few hours of work per week. In my humble opinion, you need to be able to work on your affiliate marketing business for at least 10 hours per week. The more time that you can put in, the better.
#2: Be consistent!
At the time of this post, the squeeze page above has had almost 40,000 visitors and this is only one of many.
What makes this number a bit more impressive is that ALL of my traffic is organic, which is the best traffic.
This traffic is all free traffic. Free traffic does not just happen, however. It takes effort, consistent effort.
I have been a bit inconsistent over the Holidays, which is a nice benefit of affiliate marketing. You can take a little time
off on occasion. BUT, you have to get back to it and keep plugging.
If you are NOT willing to keep at it, that is OK, however, affiliate marketing is not going to be a good choice for you.
But that is not what the big dogs say!??
Unfortunately, nearly all the big dogs are influencers. Be cautious, most big dogs are not really affiliate marketers
and most are simply trying to sell you something. Most real affiliate marketers are in the trenches, they are busy working.
I am an exception only because I am honoring a commitment to give back.
#3: Like or Love What You Share!
Above are a couple of snapshots of a free web host called Webador. Webador is, in my opinion, one of the best free hosts, if not the best, on the Internet.
You do not have to use what you share, but when you do and when you love it, the LOVE will show! It will enable you and empower you to make better posts and better videos. Your visitors and viewers will know that your content is from the heart.
Best of all, when your prospects become customers, they will love the product or service that you share, and you will ultimately be helping them rather than selling them. Your benefits become long-term.
By sharing what you love, you create almost immediate trust. Trust is a key ingredient to your success. Lack of it can leave you wondering, "What is it that I am doing wrong?"
Of course, I use Webador and I love it.
Being a user also helps you to become an almost instant authority. Your visitors and viewers realize that you know what you are talking about, adding even more to the trust factor.
Mike and Julie had recently celebrated their 50th anniversary and shortly after, Mike made a strange request. He asked Julie that she bury him with all his money, to make this a solemn promise. Julie considered Mike to be in good health with many more years to live, so to appease Mike and to make him happy, Julie agreed.
Julie tried to dismiss the request from her mind, but it disturbed her, so she talked to Alicia, her daughter, about it. They both came to the conclusion that Mike was healthy and that they did not need to worry about it.
In a matter of weeks, Mike became ill and soon passed away.
When Julie and Alicia were making the funeral arrangements, Julie gave the funeral director a small wooden box and wanted it to be put in the coffin and to be buried with Mike.
As soon as Alicia and Julie were alone, Alicia said, "That box is not filled with all of Mike's money, is it?"
"It Is." said Julie, "Since I agreed to honor his wish, I am seeing that he is going to be buried with all his money."
Alicia was shocked!
Before she could reply, her mom continued,
" I took all his money and put it in my account. I placed a check for the full amount in the box in his coffin."
Thank you for reading.
Much success,
George Pierce
PS. I invite you to learn more about affiliate marketing. Visit my YouTube channel for free training:
George, you always provide an honest guide to follow to reach affiliate marketing success. Plus you tell it like it is, it's not happening overnight, no short cuts, you have to do the work. And your information is Evergreen so even though things change, the foundation you need to build is still the same. So I can come back and refer to your content often. I love the capture page. Julie is one smart lady:-)
Thank you, Robin, it is great to hear from you. Notice the 'counters'. This is 3rd party validation. Both are real, but the counter on the left is nearly impossible to 'fake'. Visitors see the value, at least that is the intent, and perceived value gets clicks.
It's great to talk to you George, yeah that's a really nice page. I haven't seen one like that, and I surf the exchanges and safelist. the whole page stands out including the image. The intent is met.
Thanks again, Robin. That was probably the third effort. I remember that getting the image to fit properly was not happening, I think I used "Paint" to resize it and then it worked.
I agree, they can apply, thank you, John.
This is excellence George Pierce and the fact is, you know what you talking about and what you share is beneficial for affiliate and online marketers to know. BTW I loved the humor at the end and thought where does he get all this? It doesn't matter where you get it because I find it enjoyable because I love to laugh and that is what I do every time I read your articles, blog post and view your videos. Thank you George for your friendship and being a member here.
I believe people know whether we know what we are talking about in a very short time, which is why following our passion is good advice, thank you, Terri.