If you don't, YOU should be. So what is Pinterest?
It's an online bulletin board where you can share your favorite things which you like on a bulletin board. People can repin your boards, this is a great way to advertise who you are. Pinterest has become very popular and is fast becoming the new online place to be. (Of course Syndication Express is zooming to the top as well.) Cheers!
I use Pinterest and have several boards which I have made.
You can check them out at the link below.
Please put your Pinterest link below and I will follow and repin your board onto mine.
You can check out my board at the link below:
Terri Pattio
Followed you Terri
Here are my Pinterest Boards
Thanks :)
Thank you Sandy.
Thanks, Merle. You have some great boards.
Hi Sandy,
My pleasure and mine is http://www.pinterest.com/merle30/ and thank you in advance, have a great week.
Sandy Blomstrom said:
Thank you, Terri! You do too!
Done Sandy. You have some great boards.
Sandy Blomstrom said:
Never mind, I see it above :)
Thanks, Merle ... would like to return the favor. What is your Pinterest link?
Not sure if I have put mine here before but it is http://www.pinterest.com/merle30/
Hi Sandy have found your Pinterest account and following. All the best.