The English language is truly fascinating and has many twists and turns including oxymorons (phrases that combine contradictory words) Here are a couple of examples. "Same difference" or "Jumbo shrimp." As you reflect on these and other word turns, you realize that some words and phrases are easily misunderstood.
When you use words, you are communicating, but when you use phrases such as winning relationships or good leadership, you are communicating a message, one that needs to be clearly understood upline and downline in your business group. If you can't communicate effectively, few people understand what you expect of them. The individual who gets things done is an effective communicator.
To your success,
That's right the individual who gets things done is an effective communicator. Of course every individual is different so a person should not be so bold as to make a statement like "if you can't communicate effectively, few people understand what you expect of them." Many times it is people's listening skills which needs work.
Words, do truly make a difference. They can encourage or destroy self esteem. They can educate or mislead. But, there is power there to be used for good or the opposite. We must make the choice. Speaking of words - When I saw your 'testimony' on YGPF I sat up and took notice. Even though I'm already a member. When I spoke with Terri Pattio, about the program, even though I was already a member, I was reassured. Words are powerful and the word of people of integrity are even more powerful.