Sometimes life is like a spin cycle....And like the cycle of a washing machine, we've got to readjust and sometimes have to just start over. Life can be a balancing act. The better balance we have in our lives, the more productive we will be in our business as well as our personal lives.
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Exactly Kathleen, thanks for sharing.
Having a life in balance is as important as breathing but often it is very difficult. As you mentioned, Kathleen we have to hit "stop" and then "reset" every now and then. Thanks for sharing!
I agree that we must have balance because things will most likely be rough for us when we don't have that balance. Just like the washing machine, if it is not balanced then it will not work properly. YOU have to go and adjust the clothes in it. It's the same thing with our lives, and this will lead to stress which is not a good thing for your health. It can lead to serious illness sometimes when stress is not dealt with.