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Sticking to your goals by changing your behaviour and habits

What Does Your Online Business Give You

Change is hard. You’ve probably noticed that.

We all want to become better people — stronger and healthier, more creative and more skilled, a better friend or family member.

But even if we get really inspired and start doing things better, it’s tough to actually stick to new behaviors. It’s more likely that this time next year you’ll be doing the same thing than performing a new habit with ease.

Why is that? And is there anything you can do to make change easier?

How to Be Good at Remembering People’s Names

My wife is great at remembering things.

When I met my wife, she told me her father owned a bar. (No that’s not why we married). When she was old enough she used to help out at weekends and after school, one fine day I was waiting for her to finish work when a group of sixteen tourists entered the bar and ordered drinks, they finished there drinks and ordered “the same again” to my surprise my wife said sit down they will be right over.

Where she then proceeded to pour and serve the drinks. She remembered them all and subsequently placed the drinks in front of the right person. How could she remember all that?

The next day they visited the bar again and she greeted each one by name. She remembered each of their names. How?

Even today, she’s great at remembering the names of anyone we come across.

Here’s what I learned from that story: In order to believe in a new identity, we have to prove it to ourselves.

Identity-Based Habits – How to start building habits that stick

The key to building lasting habits is focusing on creating a new identity first. Your current behaviors are simply a reflection of your current identity. What you do now is a mirror image of the type of person you believe that you are (either consciously or subconsciously).

To change your behavior for good, you need to start believing new things about yourself.

Imagine how we typically set goals. We might start by saying “I want to lose weight” or “I want to get stronger.” If you’re lucky, someone might say, “That’s great, but you should be more specific.”

So then you say, “I want to lose 20 pounds” or “I want to squat 300 pounds.”

These goals are centered around our performance or our appearance.

Performance and appearance goals are great, but they aren’t the same as habits. If you’re already doing a behavior, then these types of goals can help drive you forward. But if you’re trying to start a new behavior, then I think it would be far better to start with an identity–based goal.

The image below shows the difference between identity–based goals and performance and appearance–based goals.

Identity-based habits and the layers of behavior change by James Clear building habitsGraphic by James Clear.

The interior of behavior change and building better habits is your identity. Each action you perform is driven by the fundamental belief that it is possible. So if you change your identity (the type of person that you believe that you are), then it’s easier to change your actions.

The reason why it’s so hard to stick to new habits is that we often try to achieve a performance or appearance–based goal without changing our identity. Most of the time we try to achieve results before proving to ourselves that we have the identity of the type of person we want to become. It should be the other way around.

The Recipe for Sustained Success

Changing your beliefs isn’t nearly as hard as you might think. There are two steps.

1. Decide the type of person you want to be.

2. Prove it to yourself with small wins.

Here are five examples of how you can make this work in real life.

Note: I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to start with incredibly small steps. The goal is not to achieve results at first, the goal is to become the type of person who can achieve those things.

For example, a person who works out consistently is the type of person who can become strong. Develop the identity of someone who works out first, and then move on to performance and appearance later.

Start small and trust that the results will come as you develop a new identity.

Want to lose weight?

Identity: Become the type of person who moves more every day.

Small win: Buy a pedometer. Walk 50 steps when you get home from work. Tomorrow, walk 100 steps. The day after that, 150 steps. If you do this 5 days per week and add 50 steps each day, then by the end of the year, you’ll be walking over 10,000 steps per day.

Want to become a better writer?

Identity: Become the type of person who writes 1,000 words every day.

Small win: Write one paragraph each day this week.

Want to become strong?

Identity: Become the type of person who never misses a workout.

Small win: Do pushups every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Want to be a better friend?

Identity: Become the type of person who always stays in touch.

Small win: Call one friend every Saturday. If you repeat the same people every 3 months, you’ll stay close with 12 old friends throughout the year.

Want to be taken seriously at work?

Identity: become the type of person who is always on time.

Small win: Schedule meetings with an additional 15–minute gap between them so that you can go from meeting to meeting and always show up early.

What is your identity?

In my experience, when you want to become better at something, proving your identity to yourself is far more important than getting amazing results. This is especially true at first.

If you want to get motivated and inspired, then feel free to watch a YouTube video, listen to your favorite song, and do P90X. But don’t be surprised if you burn out after a week. You can’t rely on being motivated. You have to become the type of person you want to be, and that starts with proving your new identity to yourself.

Most people (myself included) will want to become better this year. Many of us, however, will set performance and appearance–based goals in hopes that they will drive us to do things differently.

If you’re looking to make a change, then I say stop worrying about results and start worrying about your identity. Become the type of person who can achieve the things you want to achieve. Build the habit now.

What else works for you to increase your behaviour and change your habits Let us know in the comments.

PS: the content in this post can relate to your personal or business life, in case you are business opportunity that allows you to work from home, click the button and watch the video below.


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Another 5 Efficient Ways to Start Working Smarter, Not Harder

Another 5 Efficient Ways to Start Working Smarter, Not Harder

What Does Your Online Business Give You I posted a recently about ways that you can work smarter, not harder. Seeing as the list of techniques that are available is so extensive, the post became so long that It had to split it in half.  In this post there are even more suggestions to help you make your day more productive without putting in all those extra hours.

1. Limit your to-do list

Many people have written about the history of the to-do list before, and how to write a great one. One of the most counterintuitive but effective methods that I have found for increasing my productivity is to limit how many items I add to my to-do list. One way to do this is by choosing 1–3 Most Important Tasks (MITs). These are the big, tough tasks for your day that you really need to get done. The ones that will keep you in the office past finishing time or working after dinner if you don’t get through them. Leo Babauta advocates doing these before you move on to other tasks:


“Do your MITs first thing in the morning, either at home or when you first get to work. If you put them off to later, you will get busy and run out of time to do them. Get them out of the way, and the rest of the day is gravy!”


The rest of your to-do list can be filled up with minor tasks that you’d like to do, so long as you’ve prioritized 1–3 MITs. Make sure you work on these before you move on to anything minor and you’ll probably find you feel a whole lot more productive at the end of the day.


Plan the night before

Another to-do list tip that can reduce work anxiety is to write out your to-do list the night before. I often end up in bed thinking about what I need to do tomorrow and planning my day, which makes it difficult to sleep. Writing out my to-do list before I go to bed helps me to relax and sleep better. And rather than wasting time in the morning because I don’t know what to work on first, I can jump straight into my first MIT the next day.


Focus just on the present day

My most recent and favorite change to my to-do list has been separating my “today” list from a master list of everything I need to get done. I often feel anxious about all the things I know I need to do at some point — I need to write them down somewhere so I don’t forget them, otherwise I worry about when they’ll get done. But I don’t want these cluttering up my list for today. That will just make today seem busier than it is. My solution is to make a big list of everything I need done. Each night I move only a couple of things to my to-do list for the next day (I use one big list with priority markers so that anything “high” priority moves to the top and becomes my “today” list). That lets me focus on what needs doing today, but also gives me a place to dump every little task I think of that needs doing sometime.


my to-do list


2. Measure your results, not your time

The whole idea of working smarter, rather than harder, comes from the problem many of us have of putting in more and more hours, only to find we don’t get more done. We want to find methods of being more productive in less time. One way to go about this is to adjust the way we measure productivity. It sounds like a trick, but it’s not a way out of getting work done. It’s just that if you truly measure what you get done, rather than the time it took you, you should notice a difference in how you work, as well. If you have big projects or tasks to get done, a good place to start is by breaking them down into completable sections. For instance, I like to break down my blog posts into sections and small tasks like adding images.



With a set of smaller tasks making up a big project, you can check off what you get done each day, even if it takes you many days to finish the whole thing. I get a nice little rush every time I check off a task within a blog post, even if it was just a 200-word section. It helps me to maintain momentum and keep going until the whole post is done. Another way to measure what you get done each day is to keep a “done list”, which is a running log of everything you complete in a day. I scoffed at done lists for a long time until I joined Buffer, where we all share what we’ve done each day using iDoneThis:



If you start keeping a list of everything you get done in a day, you might be surprised how much more motivated you are to do work that matters and get lots done.

3. Build “getting ready to work” routines

As I mentioned earlier, if I don’t know what to work on first, I tend to procrastinate and waste time in the mornings. You might have a different danger time for procrastination, but getting started seems to be a common hurdle. One way to make it easier to get started is by building a routine that tells your brain and body it’s time to work. Your routine could be something as simple as your daily commute or grabbing a coffee on the way to work. I usually sit at my desk with my coffee and check up on my favorite sites to see if there’s any news. Once my coffee is finished, that’s my cut-off point. It’s my trigger to start working. Other ways to get into a working mindset can include sitting down at your desk or workspace, turning off your phone or putting it away, exercising, stretching, or eating breakfast. You could even have an album or playlist that gets you in the mood to work and listen to that as part of your routine.


Make a weekend routine, too

Although you might be tempted to let go of your routine entirely on your days off, our CEO Joel has found that maintaining a weekend routine that doesn’t differ too much from his weekdays has worked well. The more he let go of his routine on the weekends, the longer it took him to pick it up again during the week.


4. Track what you’re wasting time on

If you’re struggling with productivity, it can be tempting to start changing your routine or trying new solutions before you uncover the real problem. I’ve definitely done this in the past, and found it never leads to a long-term solution. The first step in becoming more productive is working out what your regular time-sucks are. To start with, track what you do every morning to get ready for work. You might find that you’re spending time on things like choosing your clothes for the day, which could be done the night before. Then track how you spend your time during the day and look for patterns – a tool like RescueTime can help. Perhaps you’ll find that you’re getting caught up on Facebook too often.



Once you know what’s taking up your time or leading you to procrastinate, you can start to make specific changes around those habits. Something I used to waste a lot of time on in the mornings was checking out my favorite sites for news or updates. This is something I’ve factored into my routine now: I do this while I drink my coffee, and I know that when the coffee is gone, work has to start. This way I still get to do the thing I like, but I don’t let it get out of hand or cut into time I’ve planned for work. Plus, I’ve automated the process of opening them up, cutting back on time spent remembering which sites I want to visit and typing them into my browser.


5. Build habits to help you stop working

This one might seem a bit strange, but I think it can really work. Some of us struggle most in stopping work, rather than (or as well as) getting started. It can sometimes be too easy to just keep going for another hour, or to get your computer out after dinner and get stuck working until well after bedtime. The worst thing about these habits is that they encourage us to put off our MITs in the morning, since we know we’ll end up working for long enough to get them done. There are a few ways to help yourself switch off at home time and leave work behind. Hopefully, if you start implementing these, you’ll find that you’re pushed to do your most important work first thing rather than putting it off, and you’ll become more productive overall.


Quit while you’re ahead

The best way is always to stop when you are going good and when you know what will happen next. If you do that every day … you will never be stuck. Ernest Hemingway



This is common advice for writers, in particular, but it can apply to all kinds of work. Many famous writers have said that stopping mid-sentence or mid-paragraph makes it much easier to pick up the pen again the next day.


You don’t go on writing and writing until you come to the end of it, because when you do, then you say, well, where am I going to go next? You make yourself stop and you walk away. And you can’t wait to get back because you know what you want to say next. — Roald Dahl



Set a firm cut-off time

Sean Ogle wrote a great post about this idea. He has a strict cut-off time of noon most days, which is pretty extreme. You could make this work with an evening cut-off time, though, to get you out of work by, say, 5 p.m. Sean gets up early, so he has 5–6 hours of work time before his midday cut-off point. But since he’s strict about stopping work at noon, he still needs to be ruthless with prioritizing his tasks:


I know that by the time mid-day hits, my energy is going to start to wane. At that time, it’ll be much more difficult to do anything I don’t want to do, so I always try and do the hardest or most valuable items first.


Another way to try limiting your time is to work on your laptop without the power cord. This limits you to however long your battery lasts, and I’ve found it’s a good motivator to get important things done more quickly.


Plan something for after work

Another tip from Sean’s blog post is to plan an activity or event for after work. In Sean’s case, he plans to catch up with friends or attend events around 12:30 or 1 p.m., which helps to reinforce his noon cut-off time. If you’re aiming to get out of the office around 5 p.m., you might set up a dinner date, a quick after-work drink with a friend or a family visit. External forces can sometimes be the motivation you need to get things done within the time you have, rather than letting them drag out. I also like the feeling of having something fun to look forward to when I’m finished with work. Sometimes it’s even better when this is a flexible appointment, like some shopping or visiting a friend, so that I’m motivated to get my work done even faster to get to that reward.


Create a wind-down routine

Having a routine to help you wind down from work can be helpful if you tend to struggle to switch off. I’ve always found light exercise works well, so walking home from the office or taking a walk after work is a habit I like doing. Our CEO Joel goes for an evening walk as part of his going-to-bed routine, since it’s such a good winding-down activity. Journalling can be really relaxing, as can talking through your day with a partner or friend. Something Benjamin Franklin used to do was ask himself every night, “What good have I done today?” Writing about your day can be a good way to reflect and keep a log of what you’ve done, as well as transitioning out of your work mode. If you’re getting into the habit of planning your day the night before, this can be a good way to cap off your workday. Pick out your MITs for tomorrow and plan a task list so you can relax once you leave work. If these things aren’t enough to help you get up and go home, you may want to try an alarm to stop work. Alarms to go to bed on time can be as effective as morning alarms to wake us up, so why not try one to remind you to stop working?

This post originally appeared on Buffer

What else works for you to increase your productivity without putting in more hours? Let us know in the comments.

PS: If you are looking for a business opportunity that allows you to work from home, watch the video below.


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5 Effective Ways to Start Working Smarter, Not Harder

What Does Your Online Business Give You

There are many things that can be learnt from the culture at Buffer; one is the emphasis on working smarter, not harder. Buffer is all about getting plenty of sleep, exercise and recreation time so that the time spent working is as productive as it can be.

Working harder can be an easy habit to slip into, though. Sometimes it’s hard to switch off at the end of the day, or to take time out on the weekend and stop thinking about work. This can be more evident with a startup of your own to run, and it’s easy to fall into a pattern of “always working,” rather than working smart and fitting in time to look after yourself as well.

If this happens to you, too, here are five methods to try that’ll help get you working smarter, not harder.


1. Take more breaks: Respecting our natural attention spans

In one of my favorite books, Stephen Covey tells a story about a woodcutter whose saw gets more blunt as time passes and he continues cutting down trees. If the woodcutter were to stop sawing, sharpen his saw and go back to cutting the tree with a sharp blade, he’d actually save time and effort in the long run.

The analogy is an easy one to remember, but harder to put into practice. Here’s what Covey says about sharpening the saw in our lives:

Sharpen the Saw means preserving and enhancing the greatest asset you have- you. It means having a balanced program for self-renewal in the four areas of your life: physical, social/emotional, mental, and spiritual.



Sharpening the saw is a great habit to get into in all areas of our lives, but I think it can be especially beneficial when it comes to work and helping us to avoid burnout.

On average, our brains are only able to focus for 90 minutes and need at least 20 minutes rest thereafter, if we consider our natural ultradian rhythms:

Take more breaks

Just getting away from work and having a rest can be a good start. Taking breaks throughout the day* can help you to refresh your mind and reset your attention span.

Another way to implement breaks– especially when you’re busy– is to work in small bursts. The Pomodoro Technique is perfect for this. Just set a timer for 25 minutes, and when it goes off, take a short break. Stretch your legs, grab a drink, check your email, or just sit back and relax.

Or, if you’re really strapped for time, try switching to a different kind of task to give your mind a rest. If you’ve ever tried the 7-minute workout, you’ll understand how this works. As you exercise your arms, your legs get a break. Then exercising your legs gives your arms a break.

When you have lots to do, you can use small, easy tasks like replying to emails or following up a phone call to give your brain a rest from the hard work that takes up the rest of your day.


2. Take naps: One of the most efficient ways to boost your brain function

Research has shown that naps lead to improvement in cognitive function, creative thinking and memory performance. In particular, napping benefits the learning process, helping us take in and retain information better.

The improved learning process comes from naps actually helping our brain to solidify memories:

Research indicates that when memory is first recorded in the brain–in the hippocampus, to be specific–it’s still “fragile” and easily forgotten, especially if the brain is asked to memorize more things. Napping, it seems, pushes memories to the neocortex, the brain’s “more permanent storage,” preventing them from being “overwritten.”


One study into memory found that participants did remarkably better on a test following a nap than those who didn’t sleep at all:

Memory and sleep

Not only are naps beneficial for consolidating memories and helping us to remember new information (handy if your job includes a lot of research during the day!), they’re also useful in helping us to avoid burnout:

Burnout is a signal that says you can’t take in more information in this part of your brain until you’ve had a chance to sleep.



So when should you be taking a nap? Well, if you pay attention to your body’s natural circadian rhythm, you’ll probably find that you have a dip in energy levels in the early afternoon. This is because we’re actually designed to have two sleeps per day, according to Loughborough University Professor, Jim Horne.

Our bodies are made to sleep for a long period overnight and a shorter stint during the day, which is why our energy levels drop and we felt sluggish or sleepy in the afternoon. Even if you don’t have a nap, this is a good time to listen to your body and have a rest.


3. Spend time in nature

Daniel Goleman, author of Focus: The Hidden Power of Excellence, suggests spending time in nature to help us reset our attention span and relax our minds.

One experiment he mentions in his book tested how relaxed people were when taking a walk down a city street versus in a quiet park. The study found that the level of attention needed to navigate a busy city street is high enough that the walk doesn’t let the brain relax enough to reset our focus levels:

Unlike natural environments, urban environments are filled with stimulation that captures attention dramatically and additionally requires directed attention (e.g., to avoid being hit by a car), making them less restorative.



Spending time in nature, however, lets our minds fully relax and unwind, helping us to focus for longer when we return to work. Plus, other research has found that for students, motivation to learn is higher when they do so surrounded by nature instead of being inside a classroom. I think I’d probably feel the same if I were allowed to take high school lessons outside.

5 Effectivel Ways to Start Working Smarter, Not Harder


4. Move around and work in blocks

I read a blog post by Joel Runyon recently about a method he called “workstation popcorn,” which is pretty much what Buffer’s back-end developer Colin has been doing for quite a while.

The idea is that you set up at various cafés, workspaces (or even pubs, in Colin’s case) to get chunks of work done throughout the day. Workstation popcorn starts with a clear, thought-out to-do list. At each venue, you need to know what you’re going to work on before you get set up, so that you can jump into it immediately.

Joel breaks up his to-do list into sections– one per café that he plans to visit– and each section into three clear tasks. Once he gets through the group of tasks he has set, he moves on to the next café on his list.

Work station

Of course, you can sort out your task list however suits you best, but the important part to note is having a clear finishing point based on your task list, rather than the time, when you will move on to a new location. And when you move, cycling or walking is a good way to go, according to Joel:

Use this time to practice your zen, take a break from your screen, and get some movement into your day. Keep your phone in your pocket, and move. Take a break away from work for at least 30 minutes.



I know Colin often finds this break time helpful for thinking through what he’s working on or what’s up next. Joel also noted in his post that he’s been more productive, more active during the day and is working fewer hours since he started this process.

Whenever I’ve tried this in the past, I’ve always found that setting milestones in advance is really helpful. If you’re like me, and you usually have just one or two big projects to work through each day, you might find this useful as well.

If I’m working on a blog post, I’ll often break it into small chunks of work, such as brainstorming the outline, researching and then writing each section, and adding an introduction and conclusion. These smaller tasks help me choose a stopping point for each location I work at, before I get up and move.


Even if you’re staying in the one place, breaking your work into chunks and setting milestones as stopping points can be a good way to work lots of breaks into your day.


5. Check your email first thing in the morning

This one is really counterintuitive, especially if you have read anything online about productivity in the past couple of years. Pretty much everyone says not to do this, but I do it every day and find it really useful. Here are some ways it helps me to be more productive during the day.

Coffee Computer

If you work in a remote team, or a international team, you’ll know what it’s like to have half of your team (or more) working while you’re asleep. Especially if you need to work closely with others, it’s important to check in before you start your workday and make sure you’re on the same page as everyone else.

Even in my own start up, which is just a two-person operation, checking email first thing in the morning can be useful. My co-founder tends to find his flow late at night when I’m going to bed, so I often wake up to emails about what’s changed in the product overnight, as well as feedback from customers in different time zones to us.

Of course, I could just wait until I get to my desk to check my email. I could even do it while I’m grabbing a coffee before I start my day. I don’t, though. I often check my email before I even get out of bed. Shock horror, I know! But hear me out–I don’t have email notifications on my phone. I don’t have them on my computer, either. And because that means I have to choose when to check my inbox, I don’t like working with my email app open, since I tend to look at it too often.

So when I sit down at my desk to start my day, I’ve not only checked my emails and replied to anything urgent, I sit down at a computer with no inbox open to distract me from whatever work I want to get started on. I can relax, knowing that I haven’t missed anything important and get on with my day, leaving my inbox processing to be done later.

This won’t work for everyone, but I think it’s worth trying if you’re in a similar situation.

What tips do you have for working smarter? Let us know in the comments below.

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Six principles for your success

There are certain core principles, regardless of the profession or course of action, that have proven to create success when followed. Other skill sets may need to be developed, but sticking with these solid principles will lend to your success. Use these as guideposts in your own success journey and check in on them regularly and ask yourself – Am I following these principles on a daily basis? These principles are:


                                  Show Up Daily

                                  Be Consistent

                            Control Your Attitude

                Have a Non Negotiable, Burning Desire

                         Be Willing to Pay the Price

                                   Have Faith


Let’s take a look at each one.


 plus   Show Up Daily

sounds simple enough, right? After all, if you are employed in a job, in order to get paid, you have to show up, right? So why would it be different in a business of your own? If the “Open” sign is not visible on the “door” for your would be customers, they will continue on and find someone else. Award Winning Playwright Woody Allen is known for saying – “80% of success is just showing up.” How are you doing with this in your business? Are you there, each day; working in and on your business; doing the actionable steps that lead to success? Before moving on to the other principles, make sure you are solid on this one.

plus   Be Consistent

much like showing up, it sounds simple enough. And yet, with an online business, many people can fall into the trap of thinking they are working on their business, when really they are just playing out in social media. Focus on taken steps each day – blogging, marketing your content, engaging with real people in social media and building trust and relationships. Don’t fall into the trap of looking at each days results and measuring your success on that. Behind the scenes things are happening every day. People are watching you, and yet you have no clue at this point. They are watching for your consistency and to be sure you are really “in” and committed to the game. Don’t disappoint them.

plus  Control Your Attitude

it’s easy to think that as long as we are taking action and doing the tasks of building the business that it doesn’t matter what we are thinking internally, or how our attitude is. But, this is wrong thinking. People sense where you are in terms of your belief, commitment and general thinking. I’m sure you can remember a time when you met up with someone having a really bad day. Maybe they didn’t even say a word, but you could feel it. Remember, you control your thoughts, your feelings and your actions. Start each day with a routine that gets your attitude off on the right track!

plus  Have a Non Negotiable, Burning Desire

it’s one thing to be extremely talented in whatever it is you are pursuing; and it is another to have a deep, burning desire. I’ll take the person with the deep desire any day. You may recall the movie “Rudy” about the Notre Dam football player who walked on tried out, and ultimately made the team, and went on to play a pivotal role in a championship game. He overcame extreme challenges because of his goal and desire. Does that mean he never felt like quitting? Sure he did, and in fact, he did quit the team once when he wasn’t on the roster to dress out for game day. But, a solid mentor chastised him and got him back on track. Have a mentor, if you need one, to steer you the right way when you feel off track.

plus  Be Willing to Pay the Price -

the only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary. Give yourself time. This is not the lottery. Anything worth having is worth working for. Take some time to listen to entrepreneurs from all walks of life and much of their story is the same – idea, work, struggle, failure, work, failure, and then ultimately success. If you just stick with something long enough, you will have success. Results come last, after putting in the time and sweat equity. If this were not the case, everyone would be rich and successful…and thin, right? There is a price to be paid for every success, and it is so worth it.

plus  Have Faith

you have to believe in what you are pursuing with your whole heart. Even when there are setbacks and disappointments, you must believe that success will be yours. See it, speak it, and talk about it as if your goal is already met. Know that there is not any challenge that can’t be overcome when you employ the 5 other principles listed here. Faith is imperative. Believe it into existence. So, there you have the 6 principles that will ensure your success. Easy to do, easy not to do. Which will it be for you?

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…and follow the simple steps. It’s working for me and thousands of others out there online.


Christopher Droney

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The Slight Edge Will Change Your Life

Learn what Reading the slight edge can do for you personally.

Have you heard about “The Slight Edge“?

This is the principle that small things we do in our life (both good or bad)…done over a long time can lead to monumental change. There is a great book by Jeff Olson called “The Slight Edge” click on his picture below to be taken to a PDF. I highly recommend you read “The Slight Edge” but first let me give you a few real life examples to explain.The Slight Edge Will Change Your Life

Earlier this year one of my mentors decided he wanted to lose some weight… in fact it was January 1st when about 99% of the rest of us want to as well!

Instead of doing the usually diet or joining a gym, he decided to use “The Slight Edge“.

Here is what he did…

You see with the slight edge, the small choices you make in your everyday life really do add up over time. So the basics of losing weight are to change your diet…change what you are putting into your body. Where most people fail is they try to go cold turkey and do drastic changes.

Instead he decided to make “Slight Edge” changes. Instead of bacon for breakfast, he had turkey bacon. Instead of cold cereal he had oat-mill. Instead of eating two eggs for breakfast he had one. Instead of a large glass of orange juice, he had water and ate a whole orange.

At lunch time if he had to eat fast food, he would try to go to Subway or a place that had better options. He would get a 6 inch sandwich instead a 12 inch.

He started exercising and started with just a mere 5 minutes a day…just a quick swim in his pool.

All of these choices were very simple to make, didn’t take a whole lot of effort and to many may seam inconsequential…. but added up over time can make HUGE differences.

His results?

Within 6 months he lost 35lbs! He was eating healthy food and he liked it! He could now swim 30 minutes without stopping!

The amazing thing is all of us have made small changes to our lives but then just fall back into bad habits. The Slight Edge Will Change Your Life

1. Small choices do make a difference

2. It takes time to see the results… months even years sometimes!

Let’s look at another example.

You are tired of your job and you are stuck living from paycheck to paycheck and you want a change.

Most people find some opportunity…try it for a week or a month and then quit because they are not making 10K a month. Believe it or not it sounds sill when I say it like that but that is EXACTLY the trap that many people fall into.

If they only understood and stuck to the power of “The Slight Edge” they could reach those income goals and have everything they ever wanted in an elephant

You heard the saying, how to eat an elephant? one bite at a time.

To practice the “Slight Edge” in a home business one needs to apply consistent activity (the right activity I might add) over a sustained period of time to have incredible results. I’m not talking about working an extra 10 hours a day.

I’m talking 30 to 60 minutes a day…time that most people spend watching TV and wasting time…instead apply that time with small consistent business growing activities and do it for a sustained period of time….2 to 4 years.

That is the formula for long term success. That is the formula that allows a person to walk away from the day job and start a new life.

What better place to turn than the Internet?

It allows you to maximize that time and your reach and influence. It’s a perfect companion for those wanting to take advantage of “The Slight Edge”.

If you are looking for a “Slight Edge” business that you can do online. One that can make a real difference in your life…check out the video below and see what I’m doing to get the “Slight Edge” in my life…

Watch This Video

…and follow the simple steps. It’s working for me and thousands of others out there online.


have a great day

My name is Christopher Droney I hope you visit my blog.

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How to embrace the digital marketing world

Should You Embrace The Digital World?

One of my mentors was asked this question last night…

“Can you really make money with digital products on the Internet? I think that you can only make money with physical products… What is your opinion?”

Here was his response…

Are you looking to make some extra income? Would you like a step-by-step proven system that works?

Click to watch the videos below and see what I highly recommend.

Watch This Video

…and follow the simple steps.


Christopher Droney

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Are You Ready To Snatch Your Pebble

Are You Ready To Snatch Your Pebble?

Did you ever watch the movie Kung Fu when you were a kid. If you were a kid in the 1970s there is a good chance you did.

At the beginning of the show it shows a young Shaolin Monk teaching a young boy Martial Arts. As he goes through is training every once in a while he holds out a pebble in his hand and tell the student…

“When you can snatch the pebble…it is time for you to leave.”Are You Ready To Snatch Your Pebble

The student tries but fails to snatch the pebble.

Time goes boy and the boy gets older and more skilled in martial arts but still fails to snatch the pebble. Till one day a few years later as he has matured in both his skill and wisdom tries one more time and snatches the pebble.

His Master says. “Very good…now the student has become the Master and it is time for you to leave.”

So have you ever wondered why you may be struggling to figure out this whole Internet Marketing thing? Maybe you are beating your head against the wall because you just haven’t been able to make it work yet.

Are you ready to “Snatch The Pebble”?

So remember in my story, the young student tried and tried but failed. It wasn’t till he was older, wiser and more experienced that he was able to grab that rock!

I’t the same in YOUR Internet business. Very few people ever start out and can “snatch the pebble” when they first start. It’s takes time, dedication and hard work to get to your goals.

To many times we just want a quick fix. Suppose in our story the Master has let him snatch the pebble and then let our young student go off on his merry way. I think you can guess what would have happened. Kung Fu probably wouldn’t have lasted more than a few episodes!

So what do you need to get onto the right patch so you can eventually snatch the pebble? You really need 3 things.

1. The right MENTOR
2. The right TRAINING
3. The right SYSTEM

There is one more thing you need…

A BURNING REASON TO MAKE IT HAPPEN! I also like to call this your “WHY“. The whole reason you are doing this in the first place.

So now you are asking but which mentor, training, and system should I follow?

To that answer I can only say this…

“Look for the true results and you will find it.”

Many of you know that we launched Simple Money System in July of 2013. Since then over 50,000 people have grabbed their account.

Some of those people decided to “Snatch The Pebble” and really go to work and I’m happy to report that we have case study after case study of people on the patch to great incomes and some who are already there.

Lake week my mentor’s network of customers and affiliates grew to over 1,000+ which has created a 6 figure a year income for he and his family.

…and we are just getting started. I have HUGE goals to help many many people “Snatch The Pebble” this year.

So if you are ready to check it out and take action just watch the video at the link below, go through the information and then take action. If at that point you are ready and wanting to take action… then let me mentor you. You will get my personal contact information when you create your account.

This is your opportunity to “Snatch The Pebble”. The Mentors, Training and System are proven and work.

…Now it’s up to you to take the next step.

Watch This Video

…and follow the simple steps. It’s working for me and thousands of others out there online.


Christopher Droney

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The 5 minute mogul

The 5 Minute Mogul Marketing System

The 5 Minute Mogul is developed by Marketing sensation Kimball Roundy, Kimball has tweaked this system to be the easiest way to help you start, grow, and manage your online business with apparent ease. This 5 Minute state of the art Marketing  online business system is the birth child of years of experience generating leads, building lists, converting referrals, and creating passive income.

Kimball Roundy the guy behind 5 Minute Mogul has not only built this completely “done-for-you” marketing system absolutely free, but he has made the system so that even if you never want to upgrade, you can become qualified to earn commissions on each of the levels. The 5 Minute Mogul

The first thing you notice about the 5 Minute Mogul is the fun way the system is set up, you follow the step by step instructions in a board game theme (have you played Monopoly) of how to build your online business successfully, this unique system gives you the ability to create multiple streams of income while teaching you how to duplicate the ready made systems for yourself.

Once you join the 5 Minute Mogul you will receive Apprentice membership. Then you have quite a few choices, you can upgrade to either Apprentice, Industrialist or Tycoon Partnership, resulting in a total of 37 income streams. The only Income stream you will have to part take in is the marketing tool suite Pure leverage.

Pure leverage is a unique marketing system in itself, it allows you to earn 100% residual commissions and while you are marketing your 5 Minute Mogul affiliate link, Pure Leverage is integrated into the capture pages so as soon as someone signs up to your capture page for an account with 5 Minute Mogul, they are automatically setup through your auto responder to receive pre written messages Kimball has designed for you.

5 Minute Mogul Upgrades

Most people hear the word Upgrades and think “oh here we go, how much is this going to cost”. With the 5 Minute Mogul upgrade simply means you are able to build up an amazing 37 streams of income, and you are also able to earn income in many different ways inside the system itself.

How does 5 Minute Mogul work

Right, lets say you upgraded to the Tycoon Partnership level. (highest available) That means that you will not pass up any sales in the system, because you are already qualified to receive all commissions in the system that take place throughout your infinity down line.

A lot of people won’t join a system because they are afraid of understanding the compensation plan, this is a ( huge mistake) please read on.

Lets say, someone 4 levels down from you purchases a Tycoon Partnership level and the referrer was not upgraded to the Tycoon Partnership level, that commission instantly gets passed up to the person that IS upgraded to that level. You

you will then  receive a $500 or $1000 commission and what happens next is a strategic email then gets sent out to every member (including the person that referred the new Tycoon Partnership member) and lets everyone in the upline know that a Tycoon Partnership sale has taken place and that they passed up a $500 or $1,000 sale to someone in their up line.

How would losing a commission like this make you feel, pretty damn sick right? this strategy alone sends a ripple effect, which would put additional sales your my pocket without any effort at all.

5 Minute Mogul Compensation Plan

Remember understanding the compensation plan is key.

There are 3 upgraded membership types, Apprentice, Industrialist and Tycoon Partnership.

Apprentice and Industrialist memberships earn a 50% residual income, but Tycoon Partnership members earn a whopping 90% residual income for every sale in your downline that is not qualified to receive that commission.

But, keep in mind, it really comes down to the question of whether or not you want to pass up 1 of those sales to your sponsor (or whomever is the next upgraded member in that level) or receive those sales on your own by actually taking action and upgrading your account so you don’t pass up those sales.

The 5 Minute Mogul makes online marketing simple. Join 5 Minute Mogul and you will soon find out how easy it is to manage your online Marketing Campaign home based business.

What are you waiting for? Join 5 Minute Mogul and learn today. It’s FREE! Let us help you with your online Marketing Campaign. To sign up for an account please Click on the banner below.

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Do you need a reality check for success

The potential of your business is very real and very solid and there is one catch. It takes time, focus and commitment.

The challenge that many people face is that they don’t match their expectations up realistically with that they are willing to put into their business and success.

So, let’s have a little fun and see if success in a business is in your destiny?

You might need a reality check if:

You thought you could work this business part time, and get paid a full time income quickly.

You thought you could just treat your business like a hobby and roll in the dough!

You thought signing up was the key to success and someone else was going to build it for you.

You thought you could do it a better way then the ones who have already made it to the top.

You thought massive wealth could be created without hard work.

You thought you could build this business and never have to step out of your comfort zone.

You thought all of your friends and family would join you

You thought you could just grow the business, and not work on your own personal growth!

Now, this is kind of fun, and it’s easy to laugh at it, but think about these concepts and ask yourself, realistically, if you are guilty of thinking any of these might be true.

It takes time, sweat equity, some money invested and the right attitude and work ethic to build a lasting, successful business.

And, it is worth every minute of it!

Watch This Video

…and follow the simple steps. It’s working for me and thousands of others out there online.


Christopher Droney My Name is Christopher Droney thanks for visiting my blog, please leave a comment below, thank you

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The Real Secret of How To Get the Sign Up

Nothing else matters in your business if good sales and marketing is not being used,

This means that for you to succeed, you must master the skills of good sales and marketing. Now, don’t let that scare you – these are skills, and skills can be learned.

Here’s what you need to know:

First, it’s not about the product. It’s about how YOU communicate the product.

Keep in mind that your prospects #1 question is – what’s in this for me.

Answer this question, and answer it correctly, and you have a winner! You will certainly begin to get more sign ups and interest from people than ever before. (Sounds like a good problem to have, eh?)

Most of us have spent our time caught up in the best product, killer compensation plan, slick marketing pieces, celebrity endorsements and such that we miss some key pieces.bull

The wealthiest people in the world have one thing in common – they know how to sell – ANYTHING!

Sadly, some words that have been over used in the network marketing and online marketing world are –

“It’s easy, the product sells itself.”

“Anyone can do it!”

Or, one of my favorites – “We aren’t selling, we are sharing!”

And, so on. Sound familiar?

“How do you get people to buy?”

The answer is simple – by giving them stuff they want! It’s creating a situation where people buy on their own – without you coercing, or over hyping, or any of that.

It starts with asking good questions – getting to know your prospect and what he or she is really looking for. Your prospect doesn’t care what you have to say – they care about what they need. So, focus on GETTING information and not GIVING it.

Most network marketers and those in online business operate in the reverse – they start talking, sharing how “amazing” what they have is and no one else can get a word in!

We do this because we have most often been taught – if we aren’t talking, we aren’t “controlling” the conversation.

Just remember this – people buy for their own emotional reasons, not yours

You can create some motivating factors for your prospect such as – emotional triggers.

Every decision, when it comes down to it, is based on an emotional trigger. People buy with emotion, and justify it with logic.

What is your prospect’s pain? What are they looking to create more of; or less of in their life? What can your product or opportunity solve for them – THAT THEY ARE LOOKING FOR?

Make sure you are developing relationships with people as you go along, especially if marketing online. People will buy when they know you, want what you are selling and BELIEVE you!

Make sure you are believable!

Forget about fancy cars, big houses and “stuff” that most people look at and say – yeah, right!

Focus on truly getting to the heart of your prospect’s needs, wants and desires and you’ll begin to see many more sign ups come your way! That is the top secret to getting the sign up!

Watch This Video

…and follow the simple steps. It’s working for me and thousands of others out there online.


Christopher Droney My name is Christopher Droney, I hope you enjoyed my blog for today, please leave a comment below it will be most appreciated.

Find the blueprint to success

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Guaranteed Success Blueprint

Step-by-Step, Guaranteed Success Blueprint

Can you really start a business where you are guaranteed to have success?

Yes! And today I’m going to tell you exactly what it is.

Hold on a second you say…there is no such thing as “Guaranteed” success right?key-to-success

Success ultimately depends on YOU so lets talk the opposite of success…failure.

There are 5 reasons why people fail in a home business…

1. They never get started.
2. They quit too early.
3. They are not consistent.
4. They don’t have a mentor.
5. They don’t have a proven system to follow.

If you can conquer those 5 road-blocks you are “Guaranteed” to be successful in starting a home business.

Now imagine your life if you could overcome the 5 obstacles I just mentioned. How different would your life be when you woke up one day and had all your goals and dreams fulfilled because you put your nose to the grindstone and worked your little tail off? Would you take a vacation? Would you give money to your church? Would you just stop worrying about money and life so much?

So the last two in the list…

Needing a mentor and Needing a proven system

…may be the two areas that most people are searching for.

So here is the deal. I can’t promise you that you are going to be successful at anything in life. Only YOU can determine that… but I do know one thing. If you can overcome the 5 obstacles I mentioned above YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFUL.

I’d like to help you with the last two….the MENTOR and the SYSTEM.

It will be worth your time to check out what I’m doing that is working well for me and many others listen up. But first watch this video

It’s called Simple Money System and it’s a simple way for making money on the Internet. Part of our System involves what we call the 40 Day Simple Money System challenge…

If you are ready to check it out and start your 40 Day Challenge here is what you do:

1: Watch the videos and create your NO-COST Account Here:

Watch This Video

2: Once you have watched all the videos and have gone through the six steps you will learn about the 40 Day Challenge. It’s actually step #6

Hey listen. It’s ok to be skeptical. I know I was a first but it was such a relief to have a clear cut path on how to make all this online stuff work. That’s what I love about the 40 Day Challenge.


Christopher DroneyMy name is Christopher Droney

                                                                            Work with me

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Have you faced challenges and won

Have you faced challenges and won? Who Is Ready For A New Challenge? 40 Days Can Change Your Life.

So here we are in a new year.

You probably made a few goals, have a few dreams and desires but are you REALLY going to make them happen this year or will it just be the “Same-Old Same Old” again this year?

I have a challenge I’ve been doing now that has changed my life for the better. This challenge is a financial challenge. It’s a challenge to help you get on the right path with your income and let you hit those goals.40-Day-Challenge-Logo

Some of you want just some extra income each month. Some of you want to replace your day job and others just want to get out of the Rat Race. Whatever your dream is why not actually do something right now about it?

The biggest response when I ask that question is…

“But I don’t know what works and I don’t know what to do.”

Ok… let me just get right to it and give you a simple answer and tell you about the 40 Day Challenge.

What works is the Internet. It’s called Internet Marketing and it is THE BEST way to make extra income or replace your income. I don’t have to prove it to anyone…you can just see the stories online of real people working from home on the Internet. All they need is an Internet connection and a desire and some direction to get started. There are so many things you can do on the Internet as well.

So let’s talk about the HOW you do it. That’s the big question everyone has.

Well…instead of trying to tell you in this post, I’d like you to experience it for yourself…specifically I want you to see our 40 Day Challenge.

The 40 Day Challenge is a step-by-step, day-by-day… PROVEN method that works to help a band new person start a successful online business. It includes daily coaching and very specific step-by-step instructions.

Steps that if followed will bring you success.

You will need to have 60 to 90 minutes a day to do the challenge if you are wonder about how much time it will take.

So if you are ready to check it out and start your 40 Day Challenge here is what you do:

1: Watch the videos and create your NO-COST Account Here:

Watch This Video

2: Once you have watched all the videos and have gone through the six steps you will learn about the 40 Day Challenge. It’s actually step #6

Hey listen. It’s ok to be skeptical. I know I was a first but it was such a relief to have a clear cut path on how to make all this online stuff work. That’s what I love about the 40 Day Challenge.


Chris Droney
My name is Christopher Droney

Work with me and the 40 day challenge

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Critical for success

2 CRITICAL Things You Need To Do To Have Success In A Home Business

If you have a home-based business or what to start one, there are two very important things that will guarantee your success.Critical for success

1. Focus on the right income generating activities

2. Be Consistent

Watch the video above to find out way and learn a few important tips to get you there.

If you are looking for a solid opportunity, with products that will last a long time and pay each and every month and you are looking for a simple system to follow, watch the video below.

Watch This Video

…and follow the simple steps. It’s working for me and thousands of others out there online.


Christopher Droney
My name is Christopher Droney

Work With Me -

PS: Get all the business tools for success

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Talking about money money money!

Let’s Talk About Money

This is the time of the year where many people have one of 3 things on their mind…Talking about money money money

People want to lose some weight, get in shape, quit smoking at this time of the year.

Personal Development:
They want to be nicer and kinder to people or change bad habits.

Money: (This is a BIG one)
Most people at this time of the year are wondering…. “How the heck am I going to pay off all my debt with all the Holiday spending I just did!” or “Why can’t I ever seem to get a head in life? I always seam to need $1,000 to $2,000 more each month to get where I want to go.”

Well let’s talk serious about that last one… Money.

Did you know that you are not alone? About 85% of everyone walking around you usually wants more TIME or more MONEY… usually both.

So why not do something about it! Don’t just sit back and wonder and wish…actually take some ACTION.

Listen…I don’t need to prove to you that the Internet is the way to go. You have probably watched the news or perhaps you even know someone who uses the Internet to make a part-time or full-time income.

Talking about money money money

The big questions people want to know are:

1. What actually works out there.
2. What is something the I can do.

Maybe you feel as if you lack the technical skills to make it online. Perhaps you are right. There are many things out on the Internet that have a long learning curve before you can figure it out.

But not everything…

I’m not talking get rick quick over night…we all know that doesn’t exist.

No I’m talking about simple systems and even a 5th grader can follow to start an Internet business. I’m talking about the ability to sell products and services without having to be good at sales. I’m talking about opportunities that only take an hour or two a day which can eventually turn into a full time income as long as you stay consistent.

I’m talking about an online business that works all over the world, in any country and in any language. I’m talking about a business that REAL people can do. I’m talking about something that can really change your life and the life of others.

Are you curious? Want to check it out with no obligation?

Just click the link below to watch a video that explains it all and then you be the judge!

Watch This Video

…and follow the simple steps. It’s working for me and thousands of others out there online.


Chris Droney
My name is Christopher Droney

Work With Me

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The Leptin of your Business

Most People can’t Keep New Years Resolutions. (How to NOT be most people)

Everyone made New Years Resolutions, but there is a seriously high percentage of people who wont keep them.

This is why

For a lot of people its tradition to make a new years resolution and not keep it (we wont worry about those people).

Then there is some that really mean to keep their resolutions but no matter how hard they try they actually fail. WHY?

Have you or anyone you know ever gone on a diet, only to shed a few pounds then put it all back on. So do I

Most say its will power, they are partly right, I say its down to LEPTIN

Leptin is a hormone that balances our body, you can read up on this subject

Many people don’t know about Leptin, many people don’t know how to stick to a diet properly, and many people don’t know how to run a home business.

Well check out the short video above to see the three specific things cause people to not keep their resolutions…and how to fix them.

Also below is a longer video of a talk that really inspired me… It goes hand in hand with what we are talking about.

I hope you enjoy and leave me some feedback below…

Are you looking for more financial freedom for 2014? Check out the video below and see what I recommend.

Watch This Video

…and follow the simple steps. It’s working for me and thousands of others out there online.

watch the video

Christopher Droney

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The basics of your business

The Basics of your Business

Many times when a brand new person starts a home-based business, they think that they have to learn so many things before they can have success. In fact it can sometimes be daunting. They get caught up in preparing to do their business that they don’t actually ever get started.The basics of your business

Maybe they spend a lot of time going over all the advanced training over and over again. Perhaps they are trying to tweak their website to get it looking the best or even spending all their time organizing their desk or computer so everything is just right.

…after doing these kinds of activities for several months, they wonder why they are not making any money yet!

Ok lets talk BASICS here…

There is really only one question you need to ask yourself:

“What are the basic activities of my business that lead to producing income?”

Make a list of the actual things you do on a daily basis that will lead to direct income. Now prioritize them and list just the very basics…the very core of what builds your business.

You will probably list the following:

1. Invite

2. Follow up

3. Train

Everything else you focus on are not income producing activities.

For example when you Invite people to check our your products or opportunity, you are doing an activity that will produce income. Do enough invitations and you will have sales.

The same with Following up with people whom you have invited…even more people will be interested when you do this. If you don’t followup you will lose out on sales.

Train the people who get started to do the same thing you did…Invite and Followup.

These are Basics and will produce income…everything else is secondary.

Just focus on the Basics!

If you are looking for a business where you can focus on the basics, watch the video below…

Watch This Video

…and follow the simple steps. It’s working for me and thousands of others out there online.

Watch the video

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Success and Failure

Success Comes By Helping Others

Most successful home business owners will agree on one thing…

“To reach true success, you need to help others to become successful.”

To many this seems a little strange. Conventional thought would have you think that to reach your financial goals, one must work on activities that benefit yourself. That you should only focus on your own needs and the activities that directly affect your pocketbook.

I guess this kind of thinking originates from the corporate world.Success and Failure

You see in the land of “Cubicles”, you rarely see the case where helping your co-workers benefits you. In fact it’s the usually the opposite. In that type of competitive environment where everyone is stepping over each other for promotions, competing for raises and generally hoping their co-workers might actually fail so opportunities will open up.

Many home based bushiness are completely different. In the case of a networking business you can ONLY be successful if you help others to have success. Wow what a novel concept!

Let me put it another way…

Many people would love to make a six figure plus a year income. That comes to at least $10,000 a month. In order to make 10K a month you need to help 4 or 5 people make $2,000 a month. See how that works? In many cases you take the number of people and times it by the amount they are making..

Kind of cool right?

So here are a few specific things you can do to help others to be successful in a networking business an help others.

1. You can’t do it for them

No matter how hard you try, you won’t ever be able to make people take action. You won’t be able to do it form them so don’t even try. Sometimes you want others to be more successful more than they want it for themselves. Don’t try to force people or do work for them…it will never happen.

2. Don’t motivate people, instead inspire them

Motivation is an interesting thing. Many people think that you can say or do things that will get someone up off their rear ends and get to work. This is just not the case. You might be able to motivate someone with words for a temporary season but it usually doesn’t last. Motivation comes from within…and to be motivated one must first be inspired so to like the spark that will become a flame. Work on Inspiring people and helping them realize their true potential. Inspire people first and then get them into action. Action will bring success and will cause motivation which will then cause more action. Just remember that is all starts with inspiration.

3. Lead by example

If you want to help people you must be a leader. If you want to be a leader you must do what you ask others to do. You have to lead by example in order to help people. Don’t ever ask people to do something that you are not willing to do yourself. Only when you lead by example will you be able to empower people to change. Otherwise it’s all smoke and mirrors.

4. Forget about what you want

When you stop thinking about what you want and instead focus on the needs of others something magical happens… you end up getting what you want. This can be hard and won’t happen over night. One of the ways to really do this is visualize. Write down the specific people are you are going to help and ask them what their dreams and goals are. Then focus on the right leadership and activities to help them get there.

Once you understand these principles and put them in to practice, your success will be directly proportionate to the others your help. It may be hard to see now but over time you will make a huge impact on the lives of others and a byproduct of doing this will help you to become more successful.

If you are looking for a business where you can help others to reach their fullest potential and make a great income while doing it, check out what I recommend.

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Become An Internet Business Promoter And Optimize Your Profits

internet business promoter

Becoming an Internet business promoter is the concept of using one website to send traffic to another business and is an effective method of online marketing, which is underutilized and overlooked by many businesses. This article can help you to understand these concepts and you can see great increases in your business and profits in an exponential way.

Before joining an affiliate marketing program, test out the product or service that you’ll be promoting. Having used the product before talking about allows you to give honest and sincere reviews of it. Your readers will be able to tell that your recommendations come from actual use and trust your reviews more than a generic review that doesn’t tell them anything.

Internet Business Promoter

When joining an Internet Business program, be aware of the time commitment required to see a significant return. Affiliate marketing is not a passive income source. You need to be out there actively promoting the product or service of the parent company if you want people to follow your links and buy the product.

Remember that with affiliate marketing, diligence is more important than effort. It is important to keep up with your website, post frequently, remember to leave business cards and fliers wherever you go, add links to interesting, current ads for your product to your e mail signature, and participate in other gentle, easy advertising techniques on a regular basis. It is not important to pound the pavement and try to push people into buying the product. In fact, this will lose you sales.

Website design today is based around a Internet business promoter,  when you are thinking about using it to make money you automatically become a promoter of sorts. Affiliate links offer you a way to bring in constant income, while bringing more and more targeted traffic to your site. The more high quality affiliates you have on your site, the more money you will make.

Websites that already have robust affiliate programs can boost the effectiveness of their internet marketing strategy by offering customers the opportunity to become affiliates. Such an offer is not viable as a stand-alone policy, but if the business has their own established Internet business promoter already selling products for them it only makes sense to solicit more affiliates through sales.

Keep track of the amount of time you spend on affiliate marketing to establish how productive your personal efforts are. Securing a great affiliate product might not be profitable if you have to spend hours every week dealing with the vendor and the customers. Consider ditching affiliate products that make unreasonable demands on your time unless they are extremely profitable. Remember when you are promoting a business it can be as crazy as you like, as long as it sells.

Social networking sites can be great tools to use in affiliate marketing, but you still have to cater to a niche market when using these. Remember that your market is never everyone. A lot of people make the mistake of marketing too broadly and inevitably, end up losing out on golden opportunities to make money.

Earning fat commissions by being the literal, driving force of a product’s sales is a very rewarding venture. If you can follow the advice and steps laid out in this article, you can work your way up through the ranks of affiliate marketing and eventually, become a big player and earn a nice living as an Internet business promoter .

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Increase Your Social Media Marketing Success Through These Tips        

When you want to increase your social media marketing success we recommend a plan of attack before tackling a marketing campaign involving social media. You need to decide on who will keep up the pages, what kind of layout is best and the amount of time that needs to be invested. You should treat this like other marketing plans and set a timeline for reaching your goals.

Success relies on your ability to stay focused and on target.

Increase Your Social Media Marketing Success Through These Tips It is important to constantly update the content on your social network pages. Many people are used to constant updates on their social network sites, and if you aren’t offering this to the consumers, they will end up going elsewhere and you will end up losing lots of customers.

Aim for updating your content several times weekly. Tell people how you are progressing when you update your social networks. Write an article and link to it from Twitter, for example. You’ll reach thousands of eyeballs. Be certain to express gratitude towards those that pay attention to your efforts, and be open about discussing your social media experiences. This kind of article will spread very fast.

Never forget to add the appropriate tags when using Twitter for posting purposes. Tags are what you see after the # symbol. These let you make sure that your updates show up in your group subscriber feeds. Look at groups that include your target audience, and then carefully select your tags.

As you are considering diving into social media marketing, do some research on the different ways that you can advertise. No two social media sites are the same; therefore, learning as much as you can about each is important. For example, you may find that some sites vastly outperform others. Don’t rest on your laurels here. Hone in on what works.

Make an effort to engage with your customers and facilitate a two-way flow cf information. For example, respond to other users’ notes, statuses, images and updates. Stay out of personal conversations and stick to replying to comments about your brand or products. Don’t forget to include the URL of your website in your description when you upload a video on YouTube, and also add your social media accounts to your profile.

When you have YouTube users following you on Twitter or Facebook, they will probably share your videos with all their friends. Before actually establishing your social networking presence, research how your competitors are using the platform. Steal their ideas, and abandon any unsuccessful strategies.

Create a page that stands out and appeals to users, this will increase your social media marketing success. Always answer every comment that is posted on the Facebook page. Even negative ones, try and make things turn positive.

You will grow trust by developing a real presence on your sites. Always respond to consumers in quick order, so they don’t feel like you’re not paying attention to them. Try out many channels when marketing on social media. The use of multiple sites will increase your exposure to potential customers. It can also help you take advantage of various tools out there. Make comments on the posts of other social media bloggers often. If you are social, then people will see this and want to be friends with you.

Always make sure that you are focusing on your niche to highlight your strengths. Doing this will quickly increase the number of social connections you make. While social media marketing has some similarities to other forms of marketing, it also offers some new twists and opportunities. You can effectively and profitably benefit from using social media and increase your social media marketing success by using the advice that has been provided to you here. If done right, your social media marketing can even turn out to be fun! - See more at:

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You already know exactly how important social media has become to your success, and every day a new social media or networking portal pops up and everybody jumps on its bandwagon. I think many companies have discovered the hard way that there is not magic bullet with these various sites. At this point in time, the shine of social media has worn off a little bit just because what happens there is typically not the way it was portrayed in the content. You’ll have to be the one to decide if this is for your business.

If you have ever networked with others in business, then this is similar to that. But have no illusions that this is not work because it is and you can’t just go through the motions. On the other part is you will need to devote some time to it and more than a few times per week. If you want to increase website’s exposure through social media, social adr is a great marketing tool that you can consider. There are a few things at the heart of this and once of them is value and being sure you offer it to your community on the various social media networks.

Always write back to the people who contact you, through whatever means they use to do so. This is all very easy to do, and you don’t have to answer all posts on your wall at Facebook, but at least show up. This is all about communications, and that is the obvious part about social media. People will want to know things and you’re suppose to be the expert, so maybe how about acting like one and not like something less than that. And when you do overlook communications, then that is when they will start to abandon you.

While your audience is going to tell you over and over again that they do not want to be marketed to, what they actually mean is that they do not want you to talk down to them. There’s no reason to be anything other than just yourself, and remember you need to be able to write in your own voice. What you speak with them about and how you do it is just your personal choice and decision although it will have a bearing on things. The best thing is they stay on your site and your bounce rates are low and all your attendant metrics are in the green.

How effectively you can make use of social media depends on your knowledge of it. However, if you have the money then you can hire a social media expert which is not a bad idea at all. And never forget what the most important things are with these sites, and learn more all the time.

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