5 Keys to Succeed in Your Online Business

5 Keys to Succeed in Your Online Business

There are 5 key areas to online success and I am going to list them below:

The Five Key Areas

  1. Product or Service
  2. Lead Generation
  3. Conversion
  4. Administration
  5. Education

One – You must have some type of product or service online that a lot of people would be interested in to make you good commissions.  Click HERE to get advice and receive free training !

It could be a hobby you have.  Like my daughter makes all these glitzy products with gems and they are very popular now, or you could have an affiliate programme that is going to help people in their business.  Whatever it is you need to have something that is going to make you money.  It is always a good idea to buy a product and then promote it and earn commissions from it.

I noticed that some of the most profitable sites on the internet are those with just one single page of writing !

Two – You need leads so you need to learn about lead generation.  No leads – no commissions !!  So it is vital that you seek proper advice from someone who is already building a business that can point you in the right direction.  One good programme you can get for free is by clicking HERE

Being able to contact your leads and customers at any time you want without spending loads of money in the process is one of the great things about marketing on the internet.  Once you get those leads you can contact them over and over again by using an autoresponder which will cost very little monthly.  It will also save you a lot of time as you can do your follow up messages in your autoresponder and set what days you want them to go out.  Two companies I would recommend would be Aweber – Click HERE to check them out – and Get Response – Click HERE to check them out.

When you have an email list with lots of people in there who are dying to know what you are selling or what your service is, is like have money in your bank account !!

Three – Conversion – This is something that you have to tweak (change around the wording) in order to get the conversion up.  Once you see that you have a good conversion rate – for example if you could improve your conversion rate from 1% to 2% then that would double your online business.  I always say progress is better than perfection !  Isn’t it worth it to progress?   Another example is if you got a customer spending $100 to your website and you have a 1% conversion rate, then you will only make one sale.  If you have a conversion rate of 2% then you double the amount of sales you get and the amount of money you make without having to get any more traffic to your website or it could even  mean spending less or no more money in advertising.

What you have to do is try and get the most out of what you have and it really is the most simple things that count.  If you do them right then everything else will fall into place.

Four – Administration – This is the same as any other business whereby you still have to do emails, bookwork (well I do and I have books for everything going on),finances, expenses etc.  While this needs to be done everyday, it has to be done.  If you don’t want to do this yourself you can always hire someone to do it for you, but I would sooner do it myself.

Five – Education – At the start of your business you should really try to get all the training books, videos, tapes or anything that you can download to and listen to these trainings over and over again as you will always pick up something that you missed the last time you listened to it.  Attend as many meetings and conferences that you can.  It is the same as with a lawyer or doctor, they have to keep up to date with what is going on in their profession and the same is for internet marketing.  You need to keep up to date with what is going on with the latest techniques that could affect your business.

I don’t think anybody knows everything there is to know about running an online business, so that is why tracking and testing and tweaking are vitally important.  Reading is also very important.  There are some great books out there with extremely useful information.  Whatever your business you can just Google what it is you want to read up on.  But by just doing something, however small, every day, is going to make a huge difference to your online business and get you on that path to success.


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P.P.S  -  Do you have enough leads?  If your upline doesn’t have a step-by-step blueprint for success then check this outHERE (Unless You Already Have Too Many Leads)

P.P.P.S. – For $1 why not try out our all in one tool suite, saving you almost $500 a month – for 7 days it has to be worth trying – doesn’t it?  Click HERE for more info …………… We can help you stay focused …………..

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