5 Ways Businesses Can Enhance Health And Wellbeing At Work
Wellbeing at work provides as many benefits for the employee as it does for the employer and a number of small changes that are extremely easy and low in cost to instigate can make significant differences to the way people feel, perform and act around their work. So, let’s take a look at some great ways to improve the way people feel about themselves and their wellbeing in their place of employment.
Back Issues
One of the major causes of days off work are related to back pain and back issues and one of the best ways an employer can take to prevent this is to ensure they have quality chairs, desks and workstations that help encourage good posture. When you think about it, the cost of a good chair is only worth the same amount as a day off for some employees. So, is it worth investing in quality – as far as we can see, yes it is.
Encouraging exercise can really help increase the feeling of wellbeing at work and motivate people inside and out of the work place. Exercise can be encouraged in a whole range of ways. Perhaps your business will help with bike to work subsidies, or offer lower priced gym membership for employees that attend regularly. Indeed, even reminding people of the benefits of walking to work can be a cheap but positive way to encourage change among workers and see them becoming more active on a day to day basis.
Food is one of the formative parts of our lives and eating well will help us feel a lot better about ourselves and also helps ward off many illnesses and sickness. As with exercise, there are all sorts of ways a business can encourage healthy eating. From having a fruit or vegetable bowl in the canteen, providing free fresh fruit and vegetables, to subsidising healthy lunches, or even going as far as the likes of Google and others and providing healthy food for free – a business benefits from workers that eat well.
Work environments are stressful that’s for certain but how about encouraging relaxation within them. Some businesses offer employees free meditation or yoga classes after work or out of hours. These sorts of classes encourage employees to relax and equip them with the skills and also the interest to do so outside of a work setting. They can be very beneficial to both the individual’s well-being and frame of mind and once again the businesses can also benefit from happier, more relaxed and more energetic workers. It’s well known that people who are more relaxed make better decisions, are also less likely to take sick days.
Well-being programs and classes like those from Performance on Demand can be a great way to get employees onside and feeling good about their work. These classes teach employees a range of techniques and ways to work more productively, better and also to stay more relaxed. They can be very beneficial to employees and employers and build up elements of resilience which can be very beneficial and really help people cope better at home and at work.
These are just some of the ways that employees and employers can benefit mutually through encouragement of a healthier, more relaxed and less stressful workplace.
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- Photo credit: My Blog Guest community
Cormac Reynolds is a writer and a lover of relaxation and health. He has written a number of articles about performance and how it can be enhanced at work.
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