6 Basic Tips on How to Write Articles

6 Basic Tips on How to Write Articles

Helpful Tips

Helpful Tips

How to write a good article is very important …….

The Rule of the Game

Writing for the internet e.g. article directories –  is very different from your daily blogs and other creative venues. Yes, this also requires a lot of creativity on your part but it caters to a specific market, people who don’t have much time to spend reading the 500 plus word articles that you are presenting to them.

Your role now is to get their attention, make them scan through your materials, get your point and get them hooked so that they want to read more about what you can offer them.

Basic Guide

You need not be too academic when it comes to writing articles.  You just want to reach out to potential clients to help them with valuable information, whereafter you could then reach out to them in relation to whatever business you have.

1. Good content

Your writing doesn’t have to be too technical that people would have to consult a dictionary just to grasp your thoughts. You have to create functional articles that will be easy to understand and people will be able to relate with.  Because if they are like me then I really don’t understand all the technical words !!!

2. Conversational tone

Talk to your target market through your articles. You’ve got to establish a connection with them. And this can be achieved through the manner that you present your articles.  Write your article as though you are speaking to a friend on the phone. You have to make them feel like you are a friend that they can turn to if they are having problems in any aspects of their business.

3. Excite your readers

You are not writing to win awards so avoid the boring matter of fact route. Keep the tone bubbly and easy to grasp. Create headlines and catchy tag lines in order for you to keep your probable clients interested.

4. Short paragraphs

Short paragraphs are intended for easy reading. This will especially be helpful for those who don’t really have the time and are just scanning for interesting finds.  It also makes it much easier to read rather than 10 or 20 line paragraphs.

5. Provide benefits

Make sure that after reading your piece, the reader will get something out of everything that you have said. Such information should be useful to them and will make them interested in reading your future articles as well as your other products and services.

6. The importance of you

Use the word “YOU” throughout the article. This way, the one who will be reading it will feel a sense like you are directing them because they are important. It will be easier to capture their interest this way.

So you think you can write now? Why are you doing this anyway? The one thing that you have to take note is that you are doing this to drive traffic to your web site. You have to make as many people aware about the products that you are offering and lead them to you.

This can be achieved further by providing good copies at the resource box or at your author’s bio section on each of your article.  One point to make is that if you are submitting to article directories make sure you don’t put any links to your offer in the body of the article.

So now is the time to master writing your articles before submitting them to directories as there will be a better chance for you to create impressive and valuable content.

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  • Thank you Dustin.

  • Great tips I will be happy to share this!

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