Just as the term implies, your customers need to be able to see who you really are on social media platforms. Don’t over-think what your image should be or try to be something you aren’t. Your authenticity will translate as both honesty and integrity to your customers.
Always disclose your affiliations. Your readers will appreciate your honesty, and will feel better about contributing to your earnings. If they sense that you are being less than honest about your affiliations, they are savvy enough to bypass your link and go directly to the vendor just to avoid giving you referral credit.
You should have nothing to hide. Kind of. Yes, you should be up front and personable via social media. However, you should not over-share either. Trade secrets, tedious company details, and your heartbreak over a recent break-up do NOT need to be disclosed. Rather share what is appropriate and engaging, share often, and always keep it professional.
Honesty and full disclosure is a necessary part to building a loyal reader base. They know they are supporting you by using your referral links. Make them happy and eager to do so.
If you are tweeting from your personal account about a fantastic company product, you need to share your connection to your company. Not only is that an ethical social media standard, but the FTC insists upon it.
Without a doubt, transparency is a fundamental part of most successful social media connections and campaigns. And your company’s willingness to be transparent in a way that customers have come to expect will only mean further brand loyalty in your future.