A Day Americans Will Never Forget



Today is Patriot’s Day.

Today is the 12th anniversary of that infamous day in history, September 11, 2001.


Today we honor those who died in the bombing and those who gave their lives trying to save others.  We will never forget these heroes.


John Maxwell spoke today about the word Duty. 


You can watch his video here: http://johnmaxwellteam.com/duty-2


As John said, brave men and women did their DUTY that day to save lives and in many cases gave their own lives in the performance of their duty.


We as Americans should be proud of our country and all the people from around the country who  responded to a call from NYC for help.


Today, September 11, 2013 we remember:


* In New York, the moving tribute started at 8:46 a.m. - the time when the first plane hit the twin towers back in 2001

* Families of the victims started reading aloud the names of the almost 3,000 people who died.


* A second bell tolled at 9:03 a.m. to mark when the second plane hit the towers, then the reading of names resumed


* At the Pentagon Sept. 11 memorial in Arlington, Va., victims' families, attack survivors and military officials laid a wreath and held a moment of silence at 9:37 a.m. to mark the moment that Flight 77 hit the building


* In Pennsylvania at 10:03 a.m., bells were rung and names of passengers and crew members were read at the Flight 93 National Memorial

We will not forget but we will come back. 


John mentioned that he has a friend that says, “You are never down.  You are either up, or getting up.”


We may have been down but we are getting up and with God’s help we can get up and be stronger than ever. 


God bless America!!


Great Success & Abundant Blessings!

Sandy Blomstrom 


“What I am, is not out there.  It is in me”.  Helen Keller



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  • Thanks for your wonderful comment, Timothy. 

  • Thanks, Merle!  As you could tell, it was a dreadful time for the US.

  • I actually had this on my mind and thinking of all the fallen heroes who made themselves known during a tragic time in America.Let us all never forget what this situation did for us as a people,we are truly blessed to have such unsung heroes.

  • Excellent post Sandy and being from the UK something else I have learnt today.  Thanks for sharing.

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