Yes I said it
A Personal Brand site is not for everybody,
in fact you have to be an exceptional person to have one, that does not mean you have to be the Leader of the World or the Pope but you have to have such driving ambition and such clear focus of your needs, wants, goals and ambitions to have one, to drive it, to control it to sculpt it.
A Personal Brand Website is in effect an extension of you, it is something that will grow and change as you do, it becomes your alto ego, your online profile, your virtual persona it is how people meet you virtually. You are to some extent replicating yourself, allowing you to do double up on your message, your site represents you when you sleep globally.
It is up to you what is said on your site, the message you want to get across, this will change as you ‘your business changes’, but it is always on and you will always be aware of it. It will become your passion and the envy of others, as you are seen to be a leader, a go getter, someone who knows what they want and gets it.
Take a look at The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People By Steven Covey
in summary they are:
- 1. Be Proactive
- 2. Begin with the end in mind
- 3. Put First Things First
- 4. Think Win Win
- 5. Seek First to Understand and Then Be Understood
- 6. Synergize
Why wouldn't everyone want one? Well perhaps everyone does want one but not all people will know how to handle one. A Personal Brand Website is for a person who is dedicated to her/his passion, career, profession, business, it is not for someone who is working to pay bills.
A Personal Brand Website Is NOT for everybody…..
Personal Brand Websites are for the 'A Stream Careerists' those who have studied hard, or have created a business from nothing, those who wish to become known for a certain subject or skill for people that have something more to offer than just a set of skills and more than that they want more. Take a look at this article Young Qualified and No Work
These are people who feel in their bones they have lots to offer the world, who know that this one life must count for something, that they must contribute and help others and in turn grow themselves and their skills and help to make life a little better. Personal Brand sites are for givers, people who want to help others by sharing information, solving problems, offering solutions, creating original works, who want to excel and in turn be useful.
You see the moment you embark on a Personal Brand Website you are joining an extraordinary group of people, not meaning this as elitist far from it, the difference between those who do and those who don't is effort and passion, a vision to see the future and go after it. It really comes down to effort and determination and the patience to learn new skills, highly marketable skills but new all the same.
If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to help them build theirs.Dhirubhai Ambani
A Personal Brand Website Is NOT for everybody…..
Are you ready to make learning and lifelong habit? - get ready as Your Personal Brand Journey will expose you to WordPress skills, podcast creation, setting up and maintaining your social profiles, growing an email list, producing videos, writing blogs, creating slide share presentations and a whole host of other skills.
Will these skills help you? you bet you will be in a position of strength, your skills offer you autonomy over your career, with these skills you can direct your career rather than be directed. Would these skills be valuable to others, absolutely you would be a 100% digitally savvy business individual and feel extremely proud of yourself and most importantly in control of your future.
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.Mahatma Gandhi
A Personal Brand Website Is NOT for everybody…..Try the alternative A Resume Website
There is an alternative for those who want an online presence but don't want the hassle of maintaining a site and have no interest in building a blog, connections or a list of followers that is a simple resume website that sits on the web and offers a wonderful referral tool for job seekers. If it is just this that you want then we can solve your problems just supply us your cv and photos and your site will be live in a day. You may find that once you have taken this first step you will want to branch out and launch Your Personal Brand site, it may be the perfect stepping stone to who knows where ? the future is after all what you make it so make it your best start today, at least make a start this may be the beginning of an incredible adventure.
For now 'Your Personal Brand Name making Your Future Bright'Let him who would enjoy a good future waste none of his present.
Roger Babson
Fantastic information you have shared Diana. Online branding is a must as you stated in your post. People need to get to know who you are, this means sharing content on the worldwide web about you (this includes photos of you). You can use a resume website in the beginning and eventually you will branch out to a more personal branding one. Shared via Syndication Automation.