The Daily Meditation 10.28.2013
All There Is, Is God
Kerry Blecha, Practitioner I Student
There is One God. All Things come from God. God is All there is. I recognize God as Love, as beauty and peace. God Is Health, Wealth and God is life. God is the Power that drives the Stars above us, the warmth of the Sun, the Light of the Moon, the Abundance of the Earth. God manifests Itself as the sweet Smell of Spring, the growth of Summer, the Color of Autumn and the Cool Winter. And God manifests as me. All There Is Is God.
I align myself with The Loving Goodness I know as God. As All Things are of God so I am of God. I seek to be in the Presence of God in All things. As I stand in my highest Good I feel all fear fall away from me. There is no judgment, no anger and no loss in my life. The abundance of the Universe expresses itself through me. In the Presences of God I have all I need to be successful in my relationships. I have all the knowledge and the strength to travel my spiritual path through this Life.
I am so grateful to God for my Life. I know Each Quality of God is a Gift to me. And so, I give thanks to the Loving Spirit that Is God. I appreciate My Life as a Manifestation of God.
I now release this prayer into the Law. I know that it will come back to me fulfilled in all ways.
And so It Is
Kerry Blecha is a Practitioner I Student at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico.