Be Springtime!

I was talking to my daughter in Nashville, TN last night and she was describing the beauty of Spring in the city. New life, fresh flowers, lovely weather and the like.

Many years ago the people of Judah were carried off into captivity and languished for several decades in Babylon—far away from their homeland, from their traditions, from their temple. Miles of desert separated them from anything familiar. Spirits were crushed, identity shattered, faith challenged.

It was a cold, brutal Winter for them!

This was a crucial time of self-examination and repentance . Now Spring was in the air! The Lord was drawing a sharp dividing line between past and future. That was then; this is now. 

" I am doing a new thing, creating a path through the desert. "

Isaiah 43:18-19

God still does new things for His people today. Have you’ve been dwelling on past mistakes. Now God tells you, “Forget about it! Let Me do something new with you.”

Newness can be scary.  Change can be unsettling!

It is easy to cling to our old ways. Sometimes even our old regrets can feel familiar; but we must be willing to embrace the future and make the necessary adjustments that God wants. Forgetting the past requires mental and spiritual discipline. It takes faith to step forward into God’s new direction.

Think of the people you see every day, weighed down by past regrets. Sometimes you see it in their physical appearance—they seem to carry the weight on their shoulders—but sometimes you just sense it. How can you ease that burden? How can you be an agent of God’s newness? Are there people you need to forgive? Do you need to make it clear to them that they are forgiven? Are there others who just need the reassurance of God’s forgiveness for mistakes they have made? Be God's agent of change and springtime!

You just might save someone's life and give them purpose. By the way it just might change your business too.

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  • Thanks Marie. Yes, we all have had regrets, but thank God, he gives us a second and third chances.

  • Thank you for sharing Stephen and I am sure we have all had regrets at some time or other and I know I have had a few.

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