1525074_10151930193043878_1811306155_n.jpg— By Snowe Saxman and Paul Saxman

Did you know that if you are an affiliate, 1099, in direct sales, just a LLC or creating any type of sales/business income then the IRS considers you "in business" and you are responsible for 15% self employment tax ON ALL YOUR PROFITS PLUS federal income tax of 10% to 39.6%??!! That could be as much as 54.6% TAX on your profit! BUT if you form one of my Signature Smart Corps, you can save 15% on your profits**, PLUS you will receive my Signature Complete Personal & Business Strategy Report will can save you up to $15,000+ total!
It doesn't matter how long you have been in business. The average brand new business owner saves $3,000 the first year alone!! If you are ABOVE average, it will be much higher!!
If your goal is to break Six Figures this year, then YOU NEED TAX STRATEGY to BEAT THE IRS LEGALLY and keep more of your money!! The time is NOW to Start Smart and SAVE for the entire year! You cannot go back and save the 15% SELF EMPLOYMENT TAX! If you earn even $5,000 to $8,000, in some cases, it can cost you more in taxes than Starting Smart with me!!
AS a New Years special, you will receive a FREE tax return, in addition to my complete Start Smart VIP program when you Start Smart by Jan 7!! Message me now for a free strategy session and see if you qualify for one of my Smart Corps!!
Visit my website to learn more about Starting Smart!

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  • Thanks for the visit, feedback and support 

  • Thanks, Ron!  This is important information for people to have.  I will share.

  • Appreciate the support Merle. 

  • This is great information Ron and will pass around for others to see.

  • Thanks Terri. Most haven't realized that they really have a business because they are on the internet. A lot of people are going to get surprised when they get audited and the money they earned and didn't report looks like tax evasion. Most don't do it on purpose but they are not being taught that they have a real business and must be run like a business. Thanks again for being you

  • Top Member

    It's tax time and this is beneficial information for people to know about your program. I have shared your post everywhere. Thank you Ron for sharing this information in the community.

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