Being In The Present

The Daily Meditation 12.28.2013


Michelle Snider, Practitioner II Student


God is the Abundant Creator of All That Is, All that Was and All that Ever Will Be.

God called me into form from Its own Being. I am one with the I AM.

I am aware of the experience of what is called the future. The anticipation of
that which has not yet coalesced. I am aware of the shadow thought of that which 
is being released. That which is called the past.

It is with the expectation of the future and the release of the past that I stand in the 
moment of infinity, the present. I embrace this moment of now, a time of creativity.

This present experience is truly Gods most wonderful Gift. It is in this
moment between past and future that I know who I am. It is in this moment of 
now that I experience the I AM within me.

I accept this delightful, slippery, and wonderful gift from God.
I release the past and stand in the Now. The future time which is yet to be, is 
potential for the present moment. I delight in the beauty and harmony of this time as 
I stand in this infinite moment of NOW. It is with joy and peace that I exist in the present.

I am thankful for Gods gift and the experiencing of the Presence now.

I embrace my present with wide open arms. I am that I am right now.

I let it be and so it is.

Michelle Snider is a Practitioner II Student at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

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