Control Your Thoughts, Control Your Destiny

Control Your Thoughts, Control Your Life

There will come a time in everyone’s life where we will begin to notice what we are thinking, rather than just thinking that we are our thoughts. We will start to become the observer of our thoughts as if we are separate from them. This is true, because we are separate from our thoughts. Most of the time, we are thinking on autopilot with one random thought entering our minds after another.

 Control Your Mind Control Your Destiny

We will see, hear or smell something that triggers a memory, and our thoughts go on a rampage. Before you know it, you are emotionally invested in an old insignificant random thought.   Although the thought that we may be thinking at the time is a random thought, if we hold that thought for less than 16 seconds another thought like it will join in and so on and so forth; thus creating a whole string of “like” thoughts.


This string of similar thoughts will then further create or activate a vibration; an emotion within your body, and before you know it you have just taken an emotional journey somewhere. Chances are this is a journey that you didn’t intend to take, and you have just created it, unintentionally.   Creating unintentionally is no fun in life, because we are unaware of the power that we are wielding around at every moment.


We are unaware that we are attracting to ourselves the very things that we don’t want, because of these constant unintended emotional excursions. Yes, our emotions are the vibrations that we put into the Universe. Every vibration delivers back to us an equivalent physical manifestation.   You may start with the thought that “I don’t have enough”, and another thought joins in that says “I don’t know how I’m going to make it”, and from there yet another thought joins in and says, “I never have enough” then up the rear comes the thought, “I’m tired of struggling” and it’s cousin chimes in with “I can’t win for losing!”.


Before you know it, you have just activated a low vibration within you that makes you feel really bad and you have just begun the manifestation process of getting more of what you don’t want.   Your life will prove your beliefs to you at every turn, and you will get more evidence of not having enough and of struggling. As you see more evidence of your thoughts, the evidence will cause you to continue more of the same thoughts. This will cause more of the same vibrations, which will bring more of the same manifestation. It is a vicious cycle!


So the question now becomes, what can I do to change or control my thoughts? Well, I’m glad you asked! The answer is simple, but simple often times leads to people not doing it. We want to complicate it, and study it and analyze it, and write papers and books about it. We want to attend seminars and be coached about it, but the truth of the matter is this:

  1. Become the observer of your thoughts.
  2. Be forward feeling rather than current looking.
  3. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

Being forward feeling rather than current looking simply means to ignore reality, and go to the feeling place of how you want your life to be. I know it’s hard to hear “ignore reality”, but the truth of the matter is that paying attention to and recording, and keeping score of the reality of the current situation of your life is only bringing more of that current situation to you, and nothing will change.


We must see the unseen and feel the feelings of that, and this practice raises our vibrations to match that which we desire, which then causes manifestation of the desire.   I know, read it a few times and let it marinate!


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Wolf 001

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  • Thank you Sandy and that is a great idea.
  • Oh, Merle you are so right.  If we don't control what we are thinking, we can "think" ourselves in depression, poverty, unhappiness, and on and on it goes.  When I get those unwelcome thoughts, I start singing to myself the old Vacation Bible School song, "I got that joy, joy, joy down in my heart, down in my heart, down in my heart to stay". That always does it!  :)

  • Thank you Terri and James, really appreciate your comments.  Have a great week and hope you had a good weekend.

  • Merle,

    Sending You a big hi five. You are so right about our thoughts. I have had many of times were the mind just goes with whatever and then based on those thoughts. Moods change. Thank you I did share this 

  • Top Member

    Oh my goodness Merle this is it lady. You nailed it my friend. Those thoughts are powerful things and a reality when you get the wrong thoughts going on inside your subconscious mind because it works day and night and will act on what you are letting get in it. Autosuggestion is what everyone must do. It's simply programming your mind with positive thoughts you want your subconscious mind to act on. This is consistent action you must do. Shared via Syndication Automation and Google plus.

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