The Daily Meditation 08.05.2013
Count Blessings
Nancy Bowers, RScP

As I look back over this day, a day I spent almost entirely at the hospital, I am filled with gratitude. I search my mind, trying to uncover the best moment embedded in it, and I’m flooded with an awareness of the perfection of Spirit. I see so many
instances that had I been the one calling the shots, I’d have likely orchestrated differently, but thankfully I am not in control, so it unfolds as it will and I get to notice how beautiful a tapestry it creates. I get to count my blessings and realize how blessed I truly am.
So today, I know there is but One Mind, One Infinite Creative Power that exists in Perfect Lovingness. It is this force I call God and I know that this Being, this Spirit is the One and the Only Ultimate Reality, whose Truth is Love, whose Essence is Health, and whose Actuality is Perfection. I live in this Beautiful Universal Life-Force and it supports me always.
In this One, this Ultimate Deliciousness, there is only Perfection, dripping opportunity at my feet, begging me to devour the gifts that are being bestowed upon me. I recognize this magnificent Love, the Beneficent Benefactor who brings to me these cherished love offerings. And I know that this kindness is the truth of me, it is the truth of my husband lying impatiently for the doctor’s verdict, and it is the truth of everyone I know. For my friends and family pour in support all around me, their prayers echo in the heavens and I feel the connection, I feel the love. I know that health will not be denied.
For health cannot be denied in the face of such love and support. I know that the One Mind hears the words spoken and these words matter. These words change lives. I know that health blossoms as Source is inundated with loving intentions and these intentions become reality. It extends beyond my little world, for it is larger than that. It extends to the entire world where I recognize and know that violence disappears when cocooned by love; wild outbreaks of peace become the norm. The fearful are soothed. The faithless find hope. Yes, miracles appear, for they are the currency of Spirit that knows no order of difficulty.
So, on this day, I count my blessings. I give thanks for the truth that we are all connected and that such a connection is powerful stuff. It allows me to court hope. It allows me to know irrefutably that prayers will not be denied, their power cannot be held back, for those who speak with conviction, those that allow themselves the happiness of knowing how joyfully they are loved, shall experience the gifts of the Father. This One Source that loves us all so deeply, It treasures us. It lavishes us in “yes!” So I count my blessings, knowing they are many. Knowing my husband at last has medical insurance and is and will be well taken care of. Knowing the gratitude of what it means to have a healthy husband, of what it means to have a network of support, what it means to be God’s beloved, I give thanks. I give thanks for the lusciousness of it all.
Then I let it go. I already know that if I’d been calling the shots, I’d have likely mucked it up, so I surrender. God has got it covered and I don’t need to do anything more than allow. So I do. My blessings are counted. It is all already done.
And So It is! Amen!
Nancy Bowers is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Beautiful Inspiration Richard, "Count Blessings." Thanks for sharing. Liked and Shared.