Different Vitamin Supplements for Different Needs
When you go to your local health and drug store, you will notice that there are a lot of different vitamin supplements on their shelves.
You might wonder what each of them does so here are some helpful information to give you a low down on the most common vitamin supplements in the market.
Multivitamins Vitamin Supplements
- this is arguably the most common form of vitamin supplement in the market.
One tablet gives you the essential vitamins and minerals from - you know what follows next -
A to Zinc.
Vitamin B Complex
- is a combination of several B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7 and B12) and is sometimes combined with other vitamins. Its benefits include healthy hair, skin and bones, as well as the reduction of stress.
Vitamin C
- also known as ascorbic acid, this is usually taken to boost a person's immune system. And while it can't prevent colds as others believe, this vitamin helps in reducing its symptoms.
Vitamin E
- this vitamin is popular among people who want to reverse or at least slow down the aging process. But more than that, vitamin E has a host of other benefits such as boosting the immune system, reducing the risk of prostate cancer and easing menstrual cramps in women.
So there you go the most common vitamin supplements in the market. We hope that you find the information useful and that you can apply them the next time you visit your favorite health and drug store.
Timothy Eller

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Glad I could help.
Thanks, Timothy. There are so many vitamin supplements out there that it is confusing. So this was a big help.
Thank you for sharing Timothy. Great info on vitamins.
Great information Timothy. I was always one to worry about what vitamins I was getting and then my doctor told me that I didn't need supplements and that I got everything I needed from the food we eat !! Not sure how true this is.
As usual Timothy you have shared beneficial information for the community. Shared via Syndication Automation and Google plus.