Do You Belong To A Tribe?

Do You Belong To A Tribe?

My Tribe v South Africa Holiday

 I just wanted to share with you my last holiday in South Africa

Day 5 of My 30 Day Blogging Challenge

I spent 12 years in South Africa and loved every minute of it.  I spent one year in the Transvaal and the rest in Cape Town.  My last three children were born in South Africa but I returned to the UK in 1981 when my parents became ill.

I have returned a few times since then as I still have children, grandchildren and great grandchildren there and this is why I turned to online marketing to make my dreams come true to go and visit again.  The first photo I wanted to share with you was when I was staying with my eldest son in Kwazulu and was laying in bed one morning to hearing a rustling noise.  When I opened my eyes there was this rather large monkey at the bottom of the bed stealing a tub of my shortbread biscuits.  Monkeys always move around in tribes but this one was not going to share with anyone:


This is where my online marketing experiences came into it.  If you are in a tribe you should always be able to help and share what you know with others in your tribe.  That was one selfish monkey as the rest of his tribe were all sitting a short distance from him but he finished the lot !!

Anyway when staying with my eldest son his flat looked out onto the sea and we used to watch the dolphins swim by every morning.  I suppose you could say that they are part of a tribe as well, as they always stick together.

dolphins in sea

Then directly above the sea was a hawk freely flying – free as a bird ! – You could also be free like a bird from all your money struggles if you Click Here …..

We then went to Cape Town to stay with friends and believe it or not in all the years I lived in Cape Town I never went to Robben Island, so decided to make the trip on this visit.  What a fantastic day out and to get to look in Nelson Mandela’s cell !!


Nelson Mandela Cell

Needless to say we had six weeks of driving all around Cape Town, Durban and the Transvaal to see all the things that I never saw when I lived there!  I belong to a few tribes on Facebook and other social media site and if you are not in a tribe yet I suggest you find one to join.

I have learnt so much more by being part of these tribes and everyone is so helpful to give advice and support giving me the motivation to keep going strong …..

If you would like to know more about what I do then please click here or you can connect with me on Facebook …..  I look forward to seeing you there.


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P.P.S  -  Do you have enough leads?  If your upline doesn’t have a step-by-step blueprint for success then check this out HERE (Unless You Already Have Too Many Leads)

P.P.P.S. – For $1 why not try out our all in one tool suite, saving you almost $500 a month – for 7 days it has to be worth trying – doesn’t it?  Click HERE for more info …………… We can help you stay focused …………..

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  • Thank you Angela.

  • Very interesting article Merle with some really impressive pictures.  Thanks for sharing your trip with us.  Liked and Shared.

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