Hi All,
I am George Pierce, and I have some good news to share about Internet marketing. You will be rewarded for your efforts.
There is a catch, your effort MUST be consistent and persistent. But let's talk a little more about the rewards that
you can expect as a content creator.
You will be rewarded with TRAFFIC. Free glorious organic traffic, the best traffic of all. There is an old saying that traffic
begets traffic. It takes effort to get the traffic faucet turned on, but once it is on, your traffic will flow more and more freely, as
long as you continue your efforts.
You will be rewarded with exposure, more and more exposure which, in turn, generates even more and more of that free organic traffic.
It is a cycle that is a part of the Internet. Why do some websites and some YT channels seem to get all the traffic? Why do they
seem to be the ones making all the money? Because they have been able to tap into the free traffic and free exposure that
Social Media Sites and Search Engines want to provide.
Above is a snapshot from one of my YT channels. The channel is new, about 5 weeks old, so it is easy to have big percentages,
but what is YT doing for this channel?
YT is beginning to send the channel a little bit of traffic!
The reason why this is a big deal is that YT is allowing this channel to tap into its free traffic. The traffic is beginning to flow.
Based on my experience, YT is reluctant to send new channels much traffic, but once a channel hits about 100 videos, and continues to be consistent, YT seems to take the channel more seriously, therefore, sending more traffic.
While you are working hard and being consistent, most of us, myself, anyway, are not seeing explosive results, often we may see less than we were promised or what we expected.
Most newbies fail to see and fail to realize all the great things that are just waiting to happen and all the great things that are happening that we may be overlooking.
Internet Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Digital Marketing, Email marketing, Video Marketing, and so on, all have a wonderful benefit. Our consistent efforts 'accumulate'! Whether we are producing web pages, emails, or videos, our consistent efforts really do GROW and thus our business grows and grows.
I am fortunate in that a little better than one video per week is performing well (for a new channel). Not every one of your efforts is going to be stellar, especially when you are new. Since this is a new channel, it makes me somewhat of a newbie, as well.
But my efforts are already showing signs of accumulation! And so will yours. As long as we both are consistent.
BUT I have an advantage!
Yes, I have a HUGE advantage over most newbies, but it is not what you think. If you are thinking experience is what gives me my advantage, it is not. Anyone can learn as they go. My real advantage is that I KNOW that what I am sharing with you does work.
I do not think it works, wish it works, hope it works, or even believe it works. I know it works!
Take conceive, believe, and achieve, one step further... conceive, know, and achieve.
Thank you for reading.
Much success,
George Pierce
PS. Content creation along with SEO will generate traffic. If you would like to know more, allow me to invite you to check out my Internet Marketer Training channel, it is free.
If you like classic TV, old commercials, and movies, check out my new channel:
This is another great blog post on the subject :Does Internet Marketing Work." Yes I know it works when you take the time to learn the right way to do it. Experience and training is key for success. Education is what's needed as well and this blog post is beneficial information. I recommend people take heed to your advice because it's all true. Thanks George Pierce for your sharing your experiences here in the SE community. People will relate to it and this builds know, like and trust. Relationships is the key to success in internet marketing.
You have summed it up perfectly, thank you, Terri.
You have summed it up perfectly, thank you, Terri.