Team work makes the dream work. Would you like to network with like mind individuals? Do you want to get yourself branded in the community? Want to get more exposure for your business? I am sure you do after all who doesn't.
Let me tell you about a network and how we all go about helping each other achieve these goals and our dreams. We use two sites to achieve these goals.
Let me start off telling you about the Facebook group “Get More Comments”. We use a very easy to use link rotator. This rotator when clicked on will take you to a business page. You then leave engaging and valued comments and then like the page. For every page you do this on, you in return get your own spot in the rotator. When other people use the rotator and land on your page they too leave comments and like you page as well. So, you see the more business pages you comment on and like, the more comments and likes you will receive on your Facebook business page. There is no spamming in this group whatsoever just the advertisement of you Business Page in the rotator. So you do not have to worry about being spammed.
Also to achieve our goal and dreams we use a forum called Viral Marketing Forum. In this forum there are multiple categories to participate in. There are categories to learn and share marketing tips and strategies. Then there is my favorite The Exchange.
In the Exchange there are categories to post your videos, blogs, fan pages and your websites. Where you can really get some exposure and brand yourself by using.
So if you are looking to gain more exposure to you and your business. Then I urge you to click on the following two links now and get involved its 100% FREE! There is no sign up for use of the Viral Link Rotator. So start branding yourself and today! Remember Team Work Makes the Dream Work!
I will see you on the inside!
Well actually Dustin, this post is not about your business. It is about a group on Facebook and a viral link rotator. No problem with that accept this site is a content syndication network for bloggers and article writers. I will let members make up their mind about the content and if they feel it's appropriate here. I wish you all the best Dustin.