Fear often paralyses us from taking our desired steps in a new direction. It is often irrational and based on False Evidence Appearing Real"". The best way to combat it is by taking small steps rather than leaps of faith. We have all watched a baby learning to walk. There are many failures on the way to success. Nappies are a great cushion for failure and bum shuffling. Eventually the comfort of the floor under the bum is not sufficient to compensate for the thrill of mobility and the little tike gets up and walks. There is no fear of failure in a babies vocabulary, only the thought of success and adventure. Somewhere along the way we create our fears from things experienced or said by others, then adopt them as our self talk. Our challenge is to go back to being brave like we were as babies and accept every challenge for what it is, a life expanding opportunity. Peter Gibbins

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  • Great article on Fear Peter.  Thanks for sharing.

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