I have been using maxbannerads to rotate my banners on my blog for awhile now.
It's a great tool for any blogger running wordpress.
No script to learn, just download then upload to your blog.
There is also a nifty video at maxblogpress to show you how to
place your banners and they have support right on the download page.
How awesome is that?
Here are few other free tools.
*MaxBlogPress Optin Form Adder.
*MaxBlogPress Ping Optimizer.
Sometimes when using wordpress you will need to modify your posts. Did you know that everytime you do this wordpress automatically pings your posts again and again?
This can get your blog banned, if you do this a lot which I usually do.
*MaxBlogPress Stripe Ad.
So how can this plugin help your blog? Well instead using pop-ups, pop-overs or pop-unders whick can be very annoying to readers.
You can use this tool to add a strip ad at the very top of your blog. A very unobtrusive ad, but still catch's the readers eye.This link can lead to whatever you like, landing pages, etc.
I hope these free tools come in handy to your everyday blogging.
Here's a link if you would like to check out these for yourself.
Thanks for the tips Christine, will check these out. Have shared for you.
Great PR Christine. Some awesome and helpful tools you've shared with us. Liked and Shared.
Thank you Terri for your comment. You have been a mentor to me with your great insights. Have a great weekend.
Thank you Christine for sharing these great tools for Wordpress bloggers. Happy to share this everywhere for you. Be blessed with continued success in your life and business.