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I just started, Body Groove, but so far I'm really impressed...  I'm an 83-year-old widow & just a year ago my health was headed toward a downhill slide...  After surviving a rough time health-wise last year, I decided to make a change & take responsibility for my health...  I've made it through to the other side & know I'll be able to advance even further as I've started a whole food plant-based diet that I'm confident will work for me with my goals for weight loss...  I've had a change in my attitude this year...  I was beginning to think like a grouchy old lady when in reality, I'm so grateful to be experiencing good health, much like I felt 20 years ago...  Misty, the trainer, has the perfect personality for this...  She's easy to follow, the program offers a freedom that others lack & it advertises that with no limitations... 

I'm a recovering alcoholic with 32 years of sobriety...  I used that time while getting sober to further my 10th-grade education & to learn how to practice my knowledge for my own personal development...  I studied how to become an award-winning clown because I learned if you're trying to break an addiction you must find something else to focus your attention on...  I learned at my very first AA meeting to take what I need & leave the rest, so that's what I did & it worked for me... I considered this time as my personal investment in the way I choose to live the rest of my life...  I feel so blessed as I've already realized the difference this program will make in my new lifestyle because it's taught in the same way...  I sort of strayed from meditation not realizing the difference it has made for me...  I really appreciate that it is included in my membership... 

Thank you...  Thank you...  Thank you... 

It's like you are granting me a new lease on my life...  :D
I will keep you posted on my progress in your Facebook Group...
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I am an 83-year-old, Extraordinarily Happy Networker, Senior Blogger & Mentor in Training... I have almost 32 years of personal development and recovery under my belt... I'm a firm believer in one is never too old to learn... I've recently progressed from mourning the loss of my friend, Tom Barabas to celebrating his very accomplished life and that made me feel better... He brought so much beauty and pleasure into so many lives with his music... You can find his music videos on youtube under Tom Barabas...

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  • Top Member

    You're on a new journey Linda Michel White  in life and you're to be applauded for your effort and progress you've made. Here's to God for giving you the strength to endure the world that surrounds us. I know things are different for me and making the changes I did about 10 years ago. 

    Keep me updated with your refreshing blog post and the videos of course. I love them both. 

    • Top Member

      Thank you, Terri, for your support...  I'm proud of your accomplishments also...  It's a long way from IBO but the journey was so worth it...  I will promote SE as often as I am able...  :D  

  • Top Video Contributor

    You always pick the perfect videos, thank you, Linda.  One Choice is superb.  I know that finding the perfect videos takes effort, and allow me to say that it is appreciated. 

    • Top Member

      George, check out  They have videos for just about every life situation...  :D


    • Top Video Contributor

      I like it, thanks for the heads up, Linda.  A site you might enjoy is Goodreads dot com. 

    • Top Member

      Thank you for adding your voice to my comments... Part of the reason I enjoy blogging about what I do is by researching for the appropriate video to further bolster the message I'm trying to convey, I get to add more videos to my memory bank...  I'm furthering my vegucation...  :D

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