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Great Tastes-A Tale of Four Cities

A food aficionado’s mouthwatering journey over the years in cities he lived. Read  Rana's memoir with food.

Cooking has been regarded as one of the greatest arts right from the time of Julius Caesar. Although elements of the art of cooking are easy to define, I have discovered over the years that the tastes which still linger on my tongue are the tastes that mattered

Believe me or not I have been able to identify and remember only a handful of eateries during my mouth-watering journey. Some unheard perhaps to this generation, some ordinary, and all of them without any five-star classification.

Great Tastes

8474619856?profile=RESIZE_710xShammi Kebab-From Ruby's Kitchen

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Biswajit Sengupta

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  • Top Member

    Great information Biswajit and I look forward to seeing more posts from you soon. 

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