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Halloween - Fright Night

About a month ago while chatting with a long time friend, during our conversation I learned they had started writing poems. I said "That's awesome."

They asked me if I wanted to hear what they had written. I said "Sure."

After listening to their poem, I said to them "I didn't know you liked to write. Your poem is really good"

They said "I couldn't write much because I never had time because I was working so much."

I told her about my Syndication Express site and she should consider writing a book with her poems.

Here I am today to introduce Harriet Kenny a soon to be famous author one day.

I am going to share her poem called Halloween - Fright Night.

It's goes like this:

On Halloween shared lights on the scene

One cold dark creepy thing

Look like everybody was out of sight

But heard howling like a wolf scratching at the door

The pit of my belly I was scared to the core

I felt like it's a thriller

Just so you know Halloween is a chiller

And so many people in this world is a killer

and standing in the wind is a stealer

Stepping out this night the clock striking twelve

All the candy in the stores flipping off the shelves

Ghouls and ghosts running around like elves

Little do anybody know it's not themselves

Running in the streets going from door to door

The smell of wreaking bloody gore

The kids in the street screaming trick or treats

Little do they know the graves of the dead are under their feet

As the nights gets darker the wind blows cold

The whisper of the ghost stories still being told

The squeaking of the doors

The creaking of the floors

The scares of the screams in the night

No one's around they're all out of sight

Darkness over the deep

As the dead still creep

The headless horseman trolling the grave

and you can still hear the moans and groans of the slaves

As they watch in terror the last strike of the night

The last sound of the doorbell

Ding, dong! Ding, dong!

This is the straight way gate to hell


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Terri Pattio - Founder/Owner of Syndication Express.

Creator of TP Twitter strategy and Social Media Strategist

Owner of Winning Domains and Small Business Websites

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  • Your friend certainly writes well enough to have a future in writing, Terri!  Thanks for sharing her poem with us.

  • Top Member

    Thanks Merle for reading and commenting. I just wanted to share it here in the community. I just wanted to change the pace. Have a great day.

  • Thanks for sharing Terri, it's one of those poems you HAVE to read to the end. Very good.
  • Top Member

    Thanks Judy for reading.


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