Happiness from the Inside Out just Requires A Change of your Most Dominate Thoughts
Happiness will never come from settling for an average life, it comes from the right thinking. You see, thinking wrong, believing wrong and confessing wrong will always lead to an unhappy, mediocre and uncomfortable way of life.

There are millions of people who are unhappy even though it is possible to be infinitely happy by just enjoying your family, nature and life as a whole. Happiness is a choice because it is a mindset. There are people engaged in difficult tasks and in warfare, as well as incarcerated in prisons even, who are still happy.
"Happiness is not something ready made, it comes from your own actions." --Dalai Lama
"I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance, but by our disposition." --Martha Washington
We have a universal abundance of more than enough, yet we still see lack and poverty. You can be happy in every situation just by changing your attitudes of mind. You can control you future by controlling your thoughts. Happiness is a decision followed by effort. The effort of Belief.
'The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.'
---Milton in Paradise Lost
Here's some examples of how the mind can influence our body::
• Pavlov's dog starts salivating at the sound of the bell without any food in sight.
• If we are tense we often get headache, backache, and spondylitis, etc.
• Heart attacks are directly linked to worry and tension.
• Right mental attitude helps in curing many bodily maladies.
• By self-talk, motivation, and positive attitude we can become happy and successful.
• Through hypnosis one can have command over another person’s mind and body.
• Through meditation one can have a healthy body and extra sensory abilities.
Happiness comes from realizing that the mind has extra-ordinary powers. The mind has the ultimate power when it comes to happiness. We should, therefore, have a positive attitude towards life. Instead of concentrating on bad things in life and people, we should concentrate on the redeeming features in them.
We have to let go of thinking about past failures and bad experiences, but be encouraged instead by our past success and good experiences. Similarly we should never be unduly anxious about the future as our anxiety will never have a positive effect, but we must plan and work hard for towards the future.
Your life will move in the direction of your most prominent thoughts, therefore, think Happy thoughts. Be appreciative and thankful for all that you have and all that is coming your way. Know that when you limit what you think you can do, you really limit what you can accomplish.
"Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."---Abraham Lincoln
Happiness is a sense of pleasure or contentment
Wisdom is knowing what to do
Skill is knowing how to do it
Success is doing it.
So realize that your happiness comes from the inside out. It starts with a mindset to be happy, no matter what. You are free to be happy in your mind. The mind is difficult to be mastered by yourself, yet is is impossible to be vanquished by anybody, any authority, or whatever condition or situations you may face.
Don't worry, Stay Happy!
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To Your Success,
Angela Valadez
You're right Sandy. Thanks for your comments and shares. Have an awesome weekend.
Hi Angela, thank you for this wonderful post. "Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."by Abraham Lincoln, is one of my favorite quotes. It is definitely the way to live - make up your mind every day to be happy. There will be things that disrupt that train of thought but don't let them hang around too long.
Thank you ladies for the awesome comments. Truly appreciate each of you.
Ahh I loved reading this article 'Happiness From The Inside Out!' Well done. We are only as happy as we want to be. We have the choice on how we react each day to things and how we want to live. Each day think of three things that you are happy or thankful for and you will have a bright day. Sometimes even thinking of three things might be very hard...but keep it simple. What about that morning hug after your child wakes up, or a special hug from your spouse, or that first cup of coffee /tea for the day, that smile from a friend... there is much to be thankful for.
Great post Angela and if you don't have any belief in yourself you won't succeed. Have shared for you.
Amen on this post Angela. You have nailed it for sure my dear. Nothing good comes from negativity, and keeping those positive thoughts in your subconscious mind will keep you moving in the right direction for success in all you do. Shared on Facebook, Google + and tweeted.