Allowing Discouragement To Distract You Stops Your Flow of Action
It’s easy to mistake the difficult for the impossible. Sometimes, things, or distractions that appear to be impossible are easy enough, if you take the proactive approach.
There will be times when you will have business partners or downlines which may not be on the same level as you. It can become overwhelming and frustrating at times. It will take all the strength within you, but you will have to focus your efforts on the future.
Maybe you’ve had a product or service that bombed, it didn’t work out as you had hoped. Put it behind you, use it as a stepping stone to create a better product. Learn from the lesson, not withdraw and give up all hope.
Circumstances from time to time in life as well as in bushiness may be beyond your control, but you have full control of your “responses” to the circumstances.
“The desirableness of a life is to be measured by the amount of interest and not the amount of ease in it, for the more ease, the more unrest.”—George MacDonald
One of the most important videos to watch if you are Discouraged in your business right now!
In any endeavor there is a “Law of Seed Time and Harvest Time”. A crop does not grow overnight. It must be nurtured and sustained.
Example: If one kernel of corn produces one stalk with two ears, each ear having 200 kernels; from those 400 kernels come, 400 stalks with 160,000 kernels. All from one kernel planted only one season earlier.
Never allow Discouragement to Distract you again. Remember the story of the one kernel of corn and all it produced. You just have to have a “Burning Desire, Willingness To Work and be Coachable to succeed in any endeavor.
If enjoyed today’s post please ‘like & share’ this page so someone else can benefit from it!
To your Success,
Angela Valadez
Thanks Ann. Have a great weekend.
Thanks Brad and Judy.
Great Angela, This is very motivational. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for this distraction Angela. Appreciated muchly. I was somewhat discouraged this morning and now have a boost from your post as well as good news from my website. Time
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Thanks Julie. Appreciate your comment and share.
I love this blog Angela. Truly motivational. I'll be sharing this one.
Thanks for your comment Merle. Appreciated.
Great post Angela, and as you say don't get discouraged as it will not happen overnight. Nurture it and then harvest it. Don't give up.
Thanks for commenting and sharing Terri. Got the message, but it was about 10:00 pm. After 1:00 today.
You got it right Angela. You are dead on in this post. I have shared your post too. BTW I tried to call you yesterday, left a message. When is a good time to call you Angela?