Have fun or you should be doing something else is a statement that I place in emails, post, connections, etc.

Well today I had someone challenge that statement. He talked about the horrible things that are going on in the world. How being focused on your happiness is egoist. He said it is great to pursue happiness but life happens. Then he went on to say that he doesn't get too involved (too much) with all the horrible things taking place in the world (since he can't do anything about it).

Well I could write a book on this subject and I started writing him a huge response and it got deleted as I was writing it. So I took that to mean that it was more information than was needed to address his response. As you are aware, I believe things happen for a reason, so I shot him a quick response.

It went like this: “If you only have 5 minutes to live, are you going to worry about things that you have no control over? Are you going to continue to do something that you don't want to do?

Since no one knows when it is their last 5 minutes, why would you live any other way?

See the challenge with some people is they believe they will be here forever. They can always get to things tomorrow. Well folks, one day it will be your last 5 minutes. Since you don't know when, “If you are not doing something that is fun, then you need to be doing something else”.

Like I told him, I didn't say drop everything you are doing and become irresponsible. What I am saying is you need to change your perspective, make different decisions and get out of any situation that takes you away from being happy and having fun.

It ain't right. It ain't wrong. It's just my opinion

Your Uplifting Life Partner

Ron Simplified Myers

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  • You know I enjoy your words and continued support Merle. Enjoy the ride or why get on it? :) 

  • Loved it Ron, what is the point of worrying?  Thanks for sharing.

  • Preach Angela lol  Thanks for the visit, time and for your thoughts. Definitely it is appreciated

  • Excellent article Ron and so very true.  Why worry about tomorrow when tomorrow will take care of itself.  Live in the here and now and don't anything or anyone steal your peace.  We are all capable of receiving the Peace of God which passes all understanding.  Thank you for sharing.  Liked and Shared.  We cannot change an iota of a second, but God can.  Take it to the Lord in Prayer.  Be happy!

  • You are awesome too Ron.

  • Thanks to my peeps for your time, energy and responses. You are awesome Timothy Eller and Judy Garcia 

  • Awesome post Ron. Perspective is different form all angles. Changing is good. Thank you for sharing. L&S.

  • So true Ron!

  • Thanks Terri for your support. You know I had another guy say "I believe in the old adage, it is not about happiness it is about being useful". I was going to say something and I got side tracked, so I guess that meant I wasn't suppose to respond. I was going to tell him, how "useful" are you if you are not happy. I don't want to hangout with unhappy people. lol  Some people don't get it. If you are happy, you are useful. You show the world that life is supposed to be enjoyed (that is useful). But again I left him alone. Appreciate you

  • Top Member

    I knew this would be good. When I saw the word fun in the title, I knew it. I believe in having fun too Ron. I have shared via Syndication Automation and Google plus.

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