“He who hesitates is lost” is a proverb, a saying, a quote we have heard from our parents, teachers and anyone else who was trying to get us motivated.
The origin of the phrase has been said to be the Bible, Cato and many other sources.
However, the truth of the words is unquestioned.
In other words, a person who spends too much time deliberating about what to do loses the chance to act altogether.
As Yogi Berra said, “When you come to a fork in the road take it!”
Having said that, I want to make you aware, if you aren’t already, that the new Sports App is due to be released next month, in October.
Our Sports App doesn’t have a name yet but it’s power has covered the globe.
People all over the world have signed up and there are many times the signups as PokemonGo had on launch. That number is growing every day – at last count: 900,000 Players and 450,000 Affiliates.
When the October launch was announced, United Games also announced they will be putting the Affiliate Program on hold two weeks before the Launch date.
If you regret not being able to get in on the millions being earned each day by PokemonGo and Candy Crush Saga and you would like to get in on the next BIG mobile game, you need to ACT NOW!
Look at the statistics for those games:
Mobile Games Daily Revenue Daily Installs
Pokémon GO $1,915,612 142,850
Candy Crush Saga $1,519,603 26,437
Wouldn’t you like to be earning just a small piece of that kind of activity?
Have a look the Sneak Peek Video with Intro by Mark Mongie : Sneak Peek Video
Abundant Success & Blessings,
Sandy Blomstrom