How To Succeed In Your Online Marketing
Are You one Of The 98% of Online Marketers Struggling to Make Any Money Online ?
To Help You Succeed With Your Online Marketing Business You Need A Mentor
When I first started in online marketing about 12 years ago I didn’t even know what the word mentor meant let alone that I needed one to help me succeed !!
If you think about it you need a driving instructor to teach you to drive and that does not happen overnight – it can take some people years of failing their test several times before they get the hang of it – just like with online marketing you need an instructor to guide you to making results happen.
Rome Wasn’t Built In A Day …….
Rome Wasn’t Built In A DayI am sure you have been pitched many times with emails, pop ups and through social media sites telling you that you can earn $$$$$ within 7 days !! Looks good and sounds good but I always think BS – you will see these same people spamming on social media sites – Why are they spamming? – they are struggling to make it happen is what I think otherwise there would be no reason to spam !!
Don’t Ever SpamAnyway for the first 10 years online there I was trying to go it alone paying my monthly fees to this company and that company and never being told what I should be doing. Hardly surprising I only earnt £20 in 10 years – yes you read that right …….. Then two years ago I somehow got to know Jay Roberts and I learnt more in one day with him than I did in two years. Then a short while after that I met Gavin Mountford – well that was the best thing that happened to me ….. I was attending weekly webinars with Jay and Gavin and couldn’t believe how much there was to learn in getting this right to succeed.
I am still in the learning curve at the moment but I am seeing results. I didn’t know what an email list was but now I am also building that nicely plus seeing results in my Pure Leverage opportunity. With the right mentor, help, support and training you are much more likely to reach your goals and dreams !!
Dreams and GoalsSo if I can offer any help if you are struggling with your online business then please feel free to contact me and I will help in any way that I can, the same way that I have been helped.
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Thank you Ron, really appreciate your comment.
The blue tweet birds now have your message and are spreading it around. For some of us we have to go it alone for awhile before we actually allow someone to mentor us. I like to look at it as Leaders take a long time to change but they will change quickly when they are in agreement. You know I had to come up with a story to make me feel good for being a knuckle-head. Enjoy the journey and keep sharing your insight.
Your Uplifting Life Partner
Ron "Simplified" Myers