The Daily Meditation 11.26.2013
I Give Thanks for This Presence Within You and Me
Ardy Reed, RScP
There is one Life, and that Life is All Powerful. It is Love, Light, Joy, And Omnipresent.
I am one with this Magnificent Presence. And just as I am, I also know you are too!
We are this love, this light, this joy, and are omnipresent– for this All Powerful Source is within us in every single moment.
In realizing this, I know that we meet every moment knowing this powerful presence is within us, moving as us, and filling every circumstance! I know and see as we encounter every single circumstance that this love, light, and joy exudes and touches everyone we see and experience!
I give great thanks for this presence within you and me right now knowing it is right here in the very moment I speak it!
I release my word knowing it is here right now,
And so it is!
Ardy Reed is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico.