I just took this personality profile (not selling, just mentioning of my own volition) today on http://www.projectfascination.com. It reported that I'm an "Ace" with core strengths of alertness and power without dominance. It says I'll be more likely to use my influence to advocate for others. Well, let me tell ya! I got that compulsion today.
I was reading some activity in a support group I'm a part of. Iwas very taken aback at a lady's post saying that people were being too negative. Without breaking privacy of the group or matter of the group, it is involved with special needs families and their moment to moment struggles that are very uncommon to the public.
I didn't want to lash out at the lady because I'm supposed to support all of the members but I did say that we have a role to support each other knowing that that might be the only place we get it. The particular "issue" is severely isolating and so any group involvement is good, in my lay opinion. I was nearly shunned in my church because of this "special need."
I approached the thread with a social worker mindset (in training, smile). I continued that we should be as charitable to each other as possible because some people could very well be in crisis.
If AA or Al-anon or any related format peer support group were anything close to what I read/observed in the group today, I doubt they would do much good at all. I almost left the group. I almost started a new thread: "Leaving group, friend me if you want support."
Thank God for the delete button. I spoke up for the underdog, infused optimistic belief in people who so desperately needed it and backed out.
Anyways, I hope this post finds you having a great day with awesome weekend plans. And, advocate for the next person that needs it. Blessings to you~
Great post Meredith and I am totally behind you on this one. I am very much like you in my thinking and I would have felt the same way but as you say we are all here to support one another. Have a great weekend and thanks for sharing.
God says we are to help one another, and this means when we see someone doing wrong we should say something. The person may not realize what they are doing could hurt them. I try to do this and sometimes people take it the wrong way and can't handle what I say to them. I let go and let God if they get defensive because he can handle the situation better than I, and help them to make adjustments in their life.
The whole world is negative and if people don't change their mindset, it will continue. Personal development is a must and for some it takes longer because of different backgrounds and programming from their parents/close friends. Our only HOPE is God! Everyone should be praying constantly. Revelation 21:4 gives us insights on what the future will be like and Matthew 24 shows us whats happening now. Don't worry, God the Father has the answer and the earth will be a much better place very soon. Meredith thank you for sharing your experience here in the community and I believe you did the right thing. I think you handled it fine. Shared via Syndication Automation.