The Daily Meditation 08.25.2013
I Know That I Am One With God
Marilyn O’Leary, RScP

Sometimes when we feel ancient and all-too-common feelings of inadequacy, when we feel separate from God, that’s the time to call on faith to remind us of the truth: that we are One with Spirit, that God, whatever our definition of that all-encompassing Love is, is in us, and expresses through us.
This is the time to remember that no matter what our situation, no matter our feelings about ourselves and the world, God is with us. The story of Jesus walking with his disciples after Easter, when everyone thought he was gone, is a metaphor for Spirit being with us, even when we least feel it.
I used to think I didn’t have much faith, because I felt I wasn’t born with it. But now I know that faith is a choice. If it’s weak, then it gets stronger by exercising it.
I like to use this affirmation: I know I am one with God, the All-Encompassing Love that surrounds me. I am grateful for that Love, knowing it expresses in and through me. I know that expressing who I am, as a unique being, is my purpose in life. There are no mistakes in my life, for I am divinely guided.
And so it is.
Marilyn O’Leary is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Thank you so much for the sharing! Have a great day!
Thanks for sharing this with us. Sharing it for sure. Great read