Law and Order Special Victims Unit DVD

Law and Order Special Victims Unit DVD now gets back on air with 13 seasons. Law and Order Special Victims Unit DVD Set centered almost exclusively around the detectives of the Special Victims Unit in a fictional version of the 16th Precinct of the New York City Police Department. This drama developed many roles in the following seasons and this hot dvd box set received many awards and award nominations..

Ever since I first saw this show, it has been my all-time favorite. I've watched the DVDs several times and never tire of them. The plots usually take several different directions and that always keeps my interest. There is no other show that I've seen where I like all the characters so much. Any one of the SVU DVD sets is absolutely worth the money.

I have followed this show from the beginning and have only praise for it. The quality of the DVDs is pretty good, I will begin this show again. Arrived quickly and nice package, thank you.

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  • Glad you're enjoying the show.  Haven't watched myself so thanks for the explanation as well.  Liked and Shared.

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