MLM - Build Your Confidence and Conquer Fear!

When I first started out in the business of MLM and Network Marketing, I started out calling all of my family members, close friends and associates and co-workers.  I just knew they were a sure thing.  Wrong!  I could not believe the responses I was receiving from them.  They were so negative!  Actually, they were beyond negative, if there is such a thing.  


People would say things like, “Stick with your day job, impossible, that thing will never work, that is a pyramid, and what makes you think you can be in business for yourself?” There were other things said like, “You don’t have any skills.  I knew somebody who was trying to do what you are doing and failed.  You better be careful!” That was more than enough to shake my confidence to the core.  Their negative words set off a long chain of doubts and fears.  I knew I had to get beyond this. Continue here...

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