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It takes discipline and commitment to success to ALWAYS complete any work that is important and related to their goals.

It pains me to say this, but at times, you've got to choose work over fun. (However, if THIS work isn't fun, you're not doing it right!) When you get things done, that connects your motivations and your goals. Unfortunately, most of the population would rather watch a DVD movie or television show.

If you are truly on the success path, then you will take full responsibility for their actions. You realize that what you are today, and what you will be tomorrow, depends 100% on YOU! Your results come directly from your choices & decisions. You are proactive, and you go the extra mile, using your own resources & abilities - and your team's - to reach your goals.

The only way to identify an network marketing pro is by their results. The world is constantly changing. Nobody stays the same for long. They either get better, or they get worse. The only sensible choice is to work your butt off until you can see the results you want - and then keep working until those results are overwhelming. THEN you'll know you're on stable ground, and it's safe to take some R & R.

Terri Pattio

MLM Coach

Mentor with a servant's heart

Home Business Mentoring and FREE MLM Training

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Terri Pattio - Founder/Owner of Syndication Express.

Creator of TP Twitter strategy and Social Media Strategist

Owner of Winning Domains and Small Business Websites

Click on my picture to message me if you have questions or need more information.
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  • Top Member

    Life don't have to be like a puzzle when you let God be in control. When you follow God's plan for you then everything is all good.

  • Life is like a puzzle, and although we are all unique, it is important to find all the pieces!  Each piece is precious and our life is just not complete without them all ... It is important that we take the time to ensure that every piece is where it should be ... Our lives shouldn't be haphazard or rushed nor forced ... All good things take time, work and sacrifice ... Appreciate all that you have and have faith that through diligence all that you desire may be yours.

  • Yes I agree with you there Terri and also yes we have some great people on this site.

  • Top Member

    Also they are the ones you probably want to stay away from, because they will suck the life right out of you. It's best to be around like minded people, like all the friends here on Syndication Express.

  • Great post Terri and very interesting information.  I know what you mean that some people would sooner watch TV or a DVD but they are the people that are not serious about succeeding.  Thanks for sharing this.

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