The Daily Meditation 09.26.2013
My Contribution is Unique
Alejandro Sifuentes, RScP
In this moment my thoughts are united with the peace and love that is the One Power that is God . I feel the Presence of Divine Providence. This Energy is the Currency of Life and Living. I know this Flow moves in me and around me. It’s movement is the magnetic particles of the Substances of my Faith. I know that God is my Source and Supply . My security is rooted in the foundation of a Living God. I thrive in my knowiness of an abundant Universe. As I breathe in and out this Life Force I am nourished in Mind Body and Spirit.
Today my words and actions are motivated by Love. I feel the essence of God and its Sacredness. I see and know the Truth in every situation I encounter today. For the rhythmic flow of Spirit infuses my Being. Love is my motivation and inspiration.
I share my gifts and talents with Grace and ease knowing that my contribution is unique. I see Divine Providence actively supporting all of life. I relax and allow this Goodness to Work. I know it is Good.
And so it is
Alejandro Sifuentes is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico.