I am reading "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" by T.Harv Eker again. He starts off by talking about how there is an opposite to every thing that exist.
Example: Could there be a "left side" without a "right side". Can there be "up" without "down". You get the picture. What was most powerful about this is the fact that because of "outside results", there must be some "inside results".
Why is this important?
Most have been told and are just doing it on their own and that is to continuing to "focus" on their outside results. They will even take more of the "same" action to receive the "outside results" even though they say they don't like the results.
So what are you getting to Ron?
If your "outside results" are not what you want, then your issues can not be resolved from the outside. The answer? The opposite and what has to be addressed is your "inside results".
We have to come to grips with and understand that outside results are just a reflection of what is going on in the "inside". So stop whatever actions you are taking. Go inside. Address those issues and the "outside results" will become that which you say you really want.
It ain't right. It ain't wrong. It's just my opinion.
Your Uplifting Partner
Ron "Simplified" Myers
Thanks Ann for the support. You know that You and your efforts and always appreciated.
Sounds like a great book Ron. Excellent post and I have shared it for you.