"You have to be before you can do, and do before you can have" Zig Ziglar Relationships and people skills play a big part in the overall success of network marketing which can transition into every other area of your life as well. If you ask one thousand of the top moneymakers in network marketing what it takes to make big money, they will probably tell you it takes lots of people in your organization. Most of us know that to develop a business with large numbers of people requires strong people skills. If you asked those same one thousand people what they want most in life, I would be willing to bet you that happiness would be near the top of everyone's list. It is definitely at the top of mine. Ask those same people what they think would make them happiest of all and the overwhelming majority would say, "Having great and meaningful relationships with people I care about." I challenge you to take a long hard look at your own records. More than likely, you will find that if you are getting along with the most important people in your life - that is the people you love - you are basically a happy person. This is...Continue here... |
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Our happiness is so tied to our relationships with those in our lives. Thanks for sharing this excellent post, Kathleen.
Excellent advice Kathleen and some should take it from you as well !!
You are definitely hit the bull's eye with this post Kathleen. Way to go lady.
Having great people skills is a necessity when doing business online. We do need to periodically brush them up. Thanks for the reminder. Liked and Shared.