Most of you are not aware of what network marketing is, or what MLM means, you know, read on, this is for you...
How I define network marketing, or Multi level marketing:
If a company has to sell its products, it adopts a marketing strategy in which even people belonging to outside of the company can sell the company's products to get a 'commission', which vary company to company.
So, I am a student and currently doing my engineering in computer science. Incidents have made me aware of this network marketing industry, or MLM industry, I'll share an incident with you.
I had to go on a walk one fine evening when I called a friend of mine, Pranav, who was already out there in the park sitting with a person, they were having a conversation which almost on the verge of completion when I joined them, trying to absorb what was going on, with little or approximately nothing going I was able to comprehend.
So, later when the meeting was over, Pranav explained to me everything, the guy was an EBIZ affiliate who was there to sell us a CD-product containing may softwares and computer language tutorials, the product din't matter because actually he was trying to 'pitch' me ad Pranav into his 'network'- so that was the time I got to know about MLM business...yea, it sounded lucrative, actually, even if it was not lucrative, these guys were trained to make it sound lucrative, the hardcore MLM motivational guys, doing man-to-man work, all day long, I call it the phase one of the network marketing. Commissions which people used to earn in these old companies were very small, in fact the industry is full of companies which offer you a commission of 10% 20% 30%...and so on..
I call this the 'weenie ass commission age' or 'weenie ass commission company!'
Moving on, so just imagine instead of doing this man-to-man work, going to each person telling them the whole plan, this is like 4 hours of work already, plus if you include the travel time, will hate this industry like hell, anyway, so just imagine, if the plan or the business presentation is shown to the masses so that at the same time, many number of people see the presentation and this saves the time, BOOM!, time is money, I hope you know that, so, how to get your presentation to the masses? Think of the best way, its not organizing large events and inviting people, giving them a nice dinner and then locking the doors, turning on the projector to start your presentation, literally making your guests uncomfortable, hahaha :D, well, i know you don't want that, no one wants that, so, the answer is INTERNET, and internet marketing. BadAss!
I want you to see a blog post I made,
This was my best blog post till now and its going VIRAL right now! :D
This gave me more leads than ever, you can actually see the number of facebook likes on the socialmediabar at the top, just open this.
That's what I call internet marketing...
So, internet marketing is the most BADASS thing I have ever seen...
You can do your business on the internet,
you don't have to bug your own friends, and repel them...hahaha(remember that meeting? we hate that EBIZ guy! :D )
its time saving, not time sucking, internet marketing is like a 1 hour job per, is it not?
but there's just one problem, people are still stuck in the 'weenie ass commission age' working for 'weenie ass commission company!'- still toiling their asses off for tiny 10% commissions.
I want to tell you about empower network, which gives you 100% commissions, I want to show you a video, a proprietary 3 step formula, which gives you a 100% commission directly into your bank account,
How to identify scams?
An Attorney General would ask these two questions:
1 - Would a logical thinking person pay this much money for the product or service if there was not a business opportunity involved?
2 - Does the income stop when the recruiting stops?
If the answer to the first question is "No" and/or the answer to the second question is "Yes", then it is a SCAM.
If you don't want to end up behind bars, it is wise to avoid:
Cash Gifting programs
It's not a gift if you solicit it, unless you are a Charity that is registered and you report donations.
Also information is not a product. Any program that receives hundreds or thousands of dollars when someone joins and they receive nothing of value they can hold in their hand.
Programs that pay you commissions on a monthly website fee. It is illegal to do this.
I hope that you do your homework and check the information I have shared with you. It is a fact and I wish you all the best. Getting educated is key to success in internet and network marketing.