Our Body Needs 22 Amino Acids for Optimal Healt

Laminine can Help Replace these 22 AMINO ACIDS. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. They band together in chains to form the stuff from which life is born. This is a two-step process: first, they get together and form peptides or polypeptides, and it is from these groupings that proteins are made.

Amino acids make up 75% of the human body. They are essential to nearly every bodily function, and every chemical reaction that takes place in the body depends on them and the  To Read More: http://judyg-246.blogspot.com/2013/06/our-body-needs-22-amino-acids-for.html


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  • Thank you Terri.

  • Top Member

    Judy you really need to add a little more content. I will share for you anyway.

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