On the 19th of this month I posted my first hub on HubPages.
This hub is as the title states: Portland Oregon City Of My Youth. My memories of school from elementary through high school. Although my life has had many changes it doesn't change my passion of my city.
I'm proud to announce that it was immediately put as a "featured" hub. As of this moment it has a hub score of 74.
Please take the time to read my post and make a comment if you deem it worthy. Enjoy.
Thank Ann and Kenneth. Yes Ann I am proud of being an Portlandian. And for you Kenneth, it's nice to hear you got my back. :)
So Hi!
I heard that Portland is a great place to live. I may visit their one day soon and see for myself! Hope its not too weird! :) Also, If any one messes with you now, they will now have to answer to me!