Reaching Out To Others

Finally, be ye all of one mind,
having compassion one of another,
    love as brethren,
be pitiful, be courteous.
1 Peter 3:8

  You know, father, sometimes I'm guiltry of feeling sorry for myself, but when I stop and really think about why I'm complaining, I realize that I have much to be thankful for. There are so many people who really do need a listening ear or a heartfelt hug.

  Often,Lord, it's my own children who need a mother's compassionate arms. It's sometimes hard to reach out to others, including my kids, because I feel so vulnerable. I'm afraid I'll say or do the wrong thing. But You want me to extend myself to the hurting individuals in this world, and I know You'll show me what to do.

  Please, Father, help me to never turn down an opportunity to offer compassion.

When I read this it made me think of having compassion towards others who are sick and hurting. I don't like to see anyone hurting nor sick. I just know alot of people do not realize there IS something out there to help them. 

Plexus doesn't cover the pain like medications do.  Plexus helps you gain your health back. People are able to get off their shots while taking the slim. That to me is a Blessing. 

I used to work in health care and I had to help get the insulin so they can get their  shots. I don't like needles at all. 

I'm the type of person who loves to help others. If I see an elderly needing help I'll go and help them with whatever. So when I see someone sick regardless if its a friend or a stranger I want to help if I can. 

That's why I like to share the information about Plexus Slim and Other products. These products really do work and they are AMAZING! 

When I first started with this company I wasn't sure how it was going to workout for me. Now I'm excited about the products and how they have changed my life. 

I have a client she tells me all the time how she and her husband love the products and how her husband just started taking the products and she told me how it has helped him out as well. She didn't even knew he started taking the products.

One thing about me is I don't like to be pushy or demand you try or sign up.  I know someone who does that to people and I'm not a rude person. I'm a very respectful person. I just like to help others.

If someone came up to me in a store and told me I had to put something  back that was in my cart because it's not something they would buy  I would tell you it's a good thing your not buying this then huh because I don't like for anyone to demand anything from me. 

This really did happen a few months ago, just not to me. I was with the person who did it to a few people in a store. I told her it was very rude. I'm suprise they didn't have her kicked out. They just looked at her like she's crazy. 

In the Bible it says we have to be good to others. I don't like disrespect. I think we have enough of that in the world already. 
You can check out the products here:

If you have any questions you can contact me anytime. 

Thank You for reading and God Bless
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  • Thank You Angela for reading and committing on my page, have a great day

  • Never turning down an opportunity to offer compassion is part of your ministry as a servant here on earth.  "Do unto others as you would have them do to you."  Thanks for sharing about Plexus as well. Blessings to you.  Liked and Shared.

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