The Daily Meditation 08.30.2013
Recognizing Our Own Self Worth
Kathy Azar, RScP

I read a quote today that seems very pertinent to my own current situation. Since I know that we all are ONE, I know that this particular quote could be very useful to many others as well. So, I have decided to share it. Unfortunately I do not know it’s origin.
“Sometimes walking away has nothing to do with weakness, and everything to do with strength. We walk away not because we want others to realize our worth and value, but because we finally realize our own.”
How often do we stay in a relationship or living situation that no longer serves us? Many times this is due to our own fear of change. Or we might just be waiting for someone else to recognize our worth and value. Why, why, why?? What does it matter what others think? What really matters is how we perceive our own self worth. Do we live a good life? Do we treat others with love and respect? Do we honor our true God selves? So this is my Science of Mind prayer treatment today.
I absolutely know that there is only one Source…….one Truth……one Power and one Creator. I chose to call that source God. God is always in, around and though all things. There is no time in our lives when we are not completely immersed in God’s loving grace. God is strength and divine inspiration.
And I know that I am one with that magnificent Source. God is the macrocosm and I am the microcosm. All of God’s wonderful qualities reside in me. I am a magnificent example of God in form walking this earth. And as I know this to be true for me, I absolutely know this to be true for every single one of you reading this right now. You are a glorious manifestation of God’s love and joy walking in form on this earth.
And I now claim for all of us, peace and strength. I know that we embody the goodness, the grace and the joy of God. We honor our true God selves and celebrate our own self worth. We are here to show God a good time and we do so joyously. We send love and blessings to those who may not recognize and respect our Truth. We know that they are on their own paths and we honor that. I also claim and affirm an inner peace fully knowing that all is good and all is God.
I am deeply, deeply grateful for this knowing. I embrace the teachings of Science of Mind that help me to see that we truly have the ability to co-create our lives. As we plant our seeds of intention and nurture them, they absolutely have to manifest.
So with a heart overflowing with love and gratitude, I release this prayer out into the Universal Law. I know that it cannot come back void because I have stated it so.
And so it is!!
Kathy Azar is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico
We are created in His image - how can we be any more valuable? Thanks for this inspirational post, Richard.
A very inspirational post, thanks for sharing.
Very inspiring!
We all need to read this inspirational post, and it will bring you happiness throughout the day. Happy to share this post everywhere Richard. It is being posted on the Syndication Express blog too. Have a blessed day Richard.
Excellent and highly uplifting article. Enjoyed the read. Thanks for sharing. Liked and Shared.